The Road | Teen Ink

The Road

May 23, 2018
By Anonymous

I opened my eyes. How much time had passed? I had lost notion of time; this moment had accomplished to soothe me completely. I could not help but to look at my surroundings. When turning my head right I could see, behind the piece of glass just in front of me, a sea of green. Blurred silhouettes, all which originated from the grass directly underneath them. But, when concentrating on these silhouettes, I could recognize their shape wholly. The thick, brown stem that emerged from the surface, the branches that parted from one exclusive origin and created a series of paths heading towards the sky. So many paths, too many to count, they reminded me of the way the blood vessels in the human body interlace. Anyhow, they all ended in a cloud of green leaves.

The abundance of leaves accomplished to enclose the road, which I now realized I was traveling, both to my left and right. When looking ahead of me, all I could recognize was an infinite grey lane, marked by the constant greenness at its sides and always divided in half by intermittent, yellow lines. If I concentrated enough, I believe I could feel the touch of the concrete on the rubber wheels which would ultimately take me to my final destination. It felt smooth, almost even enjoyable. When staring at the smaller, unattached yellow lines, I felt like I was entering a trance; they seemed to go on forever, split at the exact same distance from one another. The lines also seemed to somehow reflect the bright shine of the sun, straight above. A prevailing sphere that appeared to follow us in spite of our constant movement, shining while at the same time providing all those beneath it with constant warmth. But the sky was not just inhabited by this sphere, it was covered with white clouds.

There was no denying this was a beautiful day, for the clouds above us looked as though they had never been disturbed by the thought of rain. On the contrary, they made me feel peaceful and calm. After having analyzed what surrounded us outside from the vehicle in which we sat, I managed to focus once again on what was actually happening on its inside. My mom, who had told me, not long before this trip, that she would come with and support me wherever I went, no matter what I decided to do, sat just beside me. Her hands on the wheel, her eyes on the road, I was so accustomed to this image that it simply felt like home.

As I heard Jack Johnson’s “Better Together” on the radio, I reclined my chair and decided to close my eyes once again. I realized this would be the first of many traveled roads. So much waited for me, so many roads that would remind me of this perfect moment. I was on the verge of starting a new life, a new phase full of surprises, but at the time I just wanted to capture this moment forever. Shortly, it would be my turn to choose a road, a path of my own that would ultimately take me wherever I wanted it to, but it was moments such as this that gave me the certainty that when the time came, I would be ready.

The author's comments:

The author of this piece is an eighteen-year old Colombian writer. She generally writes short fiction and nonfiction stories which are not usually shared. This piece was inspired by a definitive moment in the author's life and it refers to how the author is about to let go of what she has always considered as her reality and enter into a new, unknown world that will be her new reality from now on. 

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