The Perfect Family | Teen Ink

The Perfect Family

May 21, 2018
By Maddier_03 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Maddier_03 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
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“But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Timothy 5:8. Jeff, my pastor at church, was preaching on the need a family and how we need them in life. I was sitting on the rough olive green bench that the church provides. It was really uncomfortable. It seems like Jeff was talking for hours, but in reality, he was talking for 45 minutes. It seemed he had more to say when he was done. My dad was sitting to my left, my mom on the right, and my grandma was sitting on the other side of my mom. The moment when Jeff was done,I realized if my family if my family was here to help me and I was there to help them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would be lost and look like a lost puppy. I wouldn’t know what to do. Family is important to me.

A few weeks ago, my Great-Grandpa was in the hospital. He had a weak heart and a low blood pressure. My mom and grandma was going threw a hard time before this, but they were able to but it behind them and enjoy the time they had left with my Great-Grandpa. My dad, mom, sister, and I went to a hospital in Louisville, Kentucky to visit him. When we got to the hospital, my grandma was crying her heart out. When she saw us in the small door frame, she got up and walked out. She was telling us all the things that were wrong with him. She told us the doctors were keeping him on some type of medication and it was barely keeping him alive. Before he passed, my mom and I went to Joann’s, which is a craft store, to get some maroon cloth. We wanted him to feel like he was at home. He had a maroon recliner chair that he would always sit in. It was his favorite chair. He died early the next morning. A few days later, we went to his visitation, which was the day before his funeral. I would like to think he lived a good life. My mom was there to help my grandma before he died. At this moment, I realized that how much my grandma needed my mom. My grandma needed to a shoulder to cry on. This helped me realize that when you need them, your family will be there for you.

Another day, my sister was sick. She needed someone to take care of her. My mom couldn’t help her , besides give her medicine, because she had house chores. Our dad couldn’t help because he was in our basement doing things for his work. Then there's me, sitting on the couch watching reruns of “Friends”. There was one point, where my sister was yelling,” I can’t breathe out of my left nostril.” So, I got up and brought her a whole roll of toilet paper. I also went in my room and brought my trash can with me. I put it on the end of her bed. I made sure to put a new trash bag in the can so it won’t overflow onto her clean bedroom floor. About thirty minutes later, she came out over her room and told me she was hungry. She said she wanted me to make her a bowl of Frosted Flakes. I made her the cereal and I decided to sit with her at the table and make her laugh. I told her lame knock knock jokes.  My jokes must have been funny because she seemed she forgot that she was sick, besides the fact she couldn’t breathe out of her left nostril. She was in fits of laughter. This helps me think that we can  cheer people up when they are having a bad day or aren’t feeling well.

One time, I was downstairs with my mom watching a movie. My sister watched about 10 minutes of it, but got really scared. So, my dad went upstairs with my sister.  The movie was called “Lights Out”. It’s about a girl named Diana and can only be seen in the dark. About halfway through the movie, I heard a tiny scream from my mom. I was in fits of laughter, but I shouldn’t  be laughing though. Later after the movie was over, I was scared that “Diana” would would come out at me. When I got upstairs, I asked my sister if she could sleep in my room that night. My sister agreed, so she slept in my room. Now everytime my family and I go somewhere dark, they would say, “Watch out for Diana!” I am not scared like I was the first time I watched it. My sister didn’t have to sleep in my room. She did it out of kindness. It made me not be as scared when I watched this certain movie. It made me think back on the night when she slept in my bed. It made me think that if I am scared or feeling another emotion that I don’t like, my family is there to help me threw it.     

As I look back on all the things that Jeff has preached on, I feel like the topic of family comes around a lot. It makes me stop and think for a moment. It made me think of all the memories I had with my family, where we needed each others guidance and helped each other out when we needed it. It changed me because it made me realize that I am not alone in this world. I am a better person because it makes me want to help others when they are in need of help. I’m glad Jeff preaches on family because it is a reminder to me that people are here for me. Family is a must.

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