Spicy Foods | Teen Ink

Spicy Foods

May 21, 2018
By juliet18890 BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
juliet18890 BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once a month, I would come home to my whole family in the living room, toasting and cheering. I could always find my dad in the kitchen making his amazing chicken wings. He would then walk outside and put them on the grill. I would wait in my room until they were done to avoid the mundane small talk that I despised having with my family members. I usually spend time with my cousins in my bedroom or with my younger brother. We would play games and I would entertain them until the time came to gather in the dining room and eat the delightful food that my dad spent so much time and effort to prepare. My dad knows that I cherish spicy foods. He would always put hot sauce all over my wings because it’s my favorite. No one in my family except for my dad really loves spicy food the way that I do. My family never really understood why I put so much hot sauce on my wings. Most of them loathe spicy foods and could never eat it the way that I do. My whole family would sit around the dining table and then they would pass around the food and made sure everyone had enough. We sat there for hours, talking, laughing, and eating. I would eventually get bored and leave to go do something else. I would occasionally walk into the dining room and would still find my entire family there laughing like hours had not passed. We would always have so many leftovers that would feed me for days after. Nowadays, we don’t do that type of dinner anymore. Everyone has jobs that take up their weekend and no one has the time now. It’s a shame because those were my some favorite memories from my childhood. I have high hopes that one day we can do this again because it was so fun.

The author's comments:

I hope it will help people cherish their great moments. 

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