A Blessing in Disguise | Teen Ink

A Blessing in Disguise

May 21, 2018
By valentyn92 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
valentyn92 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a beautiful, summer day. I was playing in the park with my friends by my house. We were playing the War, it was a game where we made guns from the wood and were pretending that it was a real War. I had a lot of friends, we played all day and everyday. We didn’t have school, because it was the last summer before the first grade so all of us were the same age. I can say, my childhood was really happy. I was six years old, so we really had a lot of fun. But once something went wrong…

One day when I came home, my mom told me that I had a dentist appointment in thirty five minutes, so we had to leave right away. That word d-e-n-t-i-s-t made my stomach sick. I hated doctors and everything that related to them, and she was telling that I had to go for dentist check up! Suddenly I realized that something bad was coming up. I rejected to go. I was trying to hide in the basement, but she found me. I was running all over my house trying to get away. My mom promised me that she would buy my favorite chocolate ice-cream after the appointment and the new water gun. I understood that she was trying to trap me. Chocolate ice-cream and toys were just to keep me quiet and be nice at the dentist’s, because last time I bit him. And it was not accidentally.
When we got to dentist’s, we were waiting in the line for another hour because we were late. My doctor was with another patient so I started to observe what was going on around. I could hear all the noises that the dental machine was making. Also I heard that the kid was loudly crying from the dentist’s room. I knew that the same is going to happen with me. So we waited another ten minutes, and it was my turn to go in. When we were walking into the room, my face got pale. I felt more scared. I saw all the machines and other different dentist’s equipment. I thought I’m not getting out of there alive. Every single thing seemed scary and frustrating.

Hey kid. How are you doing today?
I’m scared.
You’ll be fine, don’t worry, it’s not going to hurt.
It will.
All right, please take a sit.
What are you going to do to me?
I’m going to clean your teeth.
They are clean, there is nothing to do. Can we go home?
Sure, lay down. Open your mouth and let me check.
How often do you brush your teeth?
Twice a day.
Good boy. See, you are doing great!

I tried to follow all his instructions because he seemed very nice. I kept my mouth opened. I couldn’t see what he was doing and my heart was pumping so fast. It wasn’t that bad how I thought it’s going to. But then I felt something sharp stabbing my gums. So I screamed as loud as I could. But it didn’t hurt at all, I screamed from fair and I realized that.

You are all set, buddy. Look how brave you were! Good job!
T-h-a-n-k you...
See you in a few month. You were doing great today!
See you!

That appointment literally has changed my attitude to the dentists. I realized that I was not scared of doctors anymore. Suddenly I felt bad about my behavior in front my mom, the doctor and the other people at the office. By the way my mom bought me everything she promised to and I was really happy by the end of the day. When we got home my friends were waiting for me to play. I was happy and proud of myself. “A blessing in disguise”.

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