The Light of the Moon | Teen Ink

The Light of the Moon

May 14, 2018
By Kikimaribona BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Kikimaribona BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have a connection with the ocean. A bond that is unbreakable like that of a mother and her newborn child. With a vast and eternal bowl, she has a never ending horizon. Reaching miles long connecting the sea with the crystal sky creating a spectrum of magnificence and beauty. She nurtures life, ranging from the simplicity of an algae to the complexities of a school of fish, symmetric in their every move. Fascinating colors reflecting off the eyes of the onlooker. Colors of the rainbow fish, swimming through the waves, the bright orange coral, swaying with the current, and the sparkling scales of a mermaid.
As you travel along the curves of her body, the depth of her curves increase as you get further off the shore. Out in the ocean the darkness of the blue is like a black hole. What lies under her surface is unknown, just like the inside of someone. On the outside she is beautiful and vibrant in color but on the inside nobody known what lurks beneath. The viciousness of the deep sea fish or the giant squid are opposite of the stereotypes given to her.  Why in every situation is there always something bad? Why do fears and frights come from the depth of something to torture us? The uncertainty of what is going on behind the scenes of somebody's life can completely change your view of them.
About 78 miles from my house is my home away from home. Down in Tavernier, Florida is my second home. I can't remember a weekend growing up that I wasn't here. My house is on a corner surrounded by miles of mangroves. Built on stilts my house stands high in protection from floods and to give the most perfect view of the bay.
Looking out, on the most perfect day, I could see no cloud in the sky and a perfect blend between the sky and the ocean. On this day I realized the beauty of the world thinking there was no darkness in the outskirts of the beautiful vast ocean.
On the journey out to sea the boat was rocking with the waves. Hearing the waves crash onto the side of, my pirate ship, made me think of the world crashing around me while I was lucky to be alive.  As I journeyed further out to sea I recognized the color down below me. The upper layer was crystal clear and I could see the dolphins swimming with my waves. But as I focused down below the clearness, I was frightened by the fact that I could not see what was below. This fear was the same fright I felt when the sun set the following evening. As I sat on the boat rocking side by side the sky's color began to change from the warmth of the great sun to the frigid air drafted by the moon. The boldness from the sun began to leave as it fell into the horizon. Slowly but surely disappearing, in my fear that it would never return.
As the bearer of warmth set, the cold bitterness of darkness came upon us. Out in the middle of nowhere, little was known of our surroundings. All I could hear was the sound of waves hitting the side of the boat and I could smell the fresh breeze coming from beyond. Not knowing how, when and where I was, I was fearful of what lied ahead. But when I looked up from my map I saw a light that flickered in the distance. Was it the light of a lighthouse that was guiding my every move? No, it was the moon. A precious gift from above that lead me through its reflection of the water a perfect path back home.  In spite of the fear of darkness there was that one light that shined the way and that light, will always be present.
In life there are going to be times when darkness endeavors you and that is when a little light is needed to break the black hole. That is how we should live our lives. Not looking at the fears in the darkness but looking for the single light that can make a big difference. Like the moon, a light will always be present in the midst of darkness. No matter how frightening or how  devious something may look, there will always be a light that will give you the extra strength to overcome whatever lies ahead.
The light of the moon is eternal. Every night it will shine. Even if it is covered by clouds or not visible by the human eye, it will always be there acting as a guide in the darkness of life.

The author's comments:

My experiences out on the ocean is what inspired this piece. I love being out on the water on my boat just floating in the middle of the ocean. 

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