Here’s Why I’m Building Something Around Mental Health | Teen Ink

Here’s Why I’m Building Something Around Mental Health

May 18, 2018
By Anonymous

The thought of the next day was like a cold breeze. The type of cold that made you hot on the inside. My brain forced thoughts out, but to only go through the hot path of my negative thoughts first.

And then to the outskirts of my own two eyes. My mind corrupt from the sadness that each day brings, but having a small batch of freedom every full moon.

The mask I wore to keep the black juice out. I drowned within myself, gasping for air each day.
I missed parts of enjoyment of my childhood. Running out of each path from searching for myself, to only get torn down even more. I was in my own head a lot, but at the same time I wasn’t.

My head felt as if it was empty, but it was filled with the ill thoughts. For as long as I remember this was an everyday thing. My mouth sealed with fear, my throat dry from keeping shut.

The opinions of others dug deep into my skull.
Eating away piece by piece, making me stumble like a drunk man. My mind became more and more corrupt and filled with pain. It felt like a ticking time bomb.

I fought to find myself in other souls, but those souls were lost. Ups and downs, my hands sore from the climb. I started falling, and before the trigger finger and the knife to make its way in, I looked deep within myself and it all made sense.

Depression And Anxiety Shouldn’t Be Taken Lightly

Depression is something that isn’t talked about enough in the world. There are too many things in its place. The suicide rate is going up and all we can do is ”pay our respects” and have ”hope”.

Hoping it will get better won’t solve anything. That’s why I am putting my all into this. Kids should be brought up and taught how to handle things at a young age.

In my generation, depression is a normal thing. There are more unhappy people than happy people.
This topic should be at the forefront of everything.

Living a happy life shouldn’t be an option.

Speak Up

Speak up will encourage people to speak up about their problems, because when things build up it could get ugly. We aren’t trained to handle our emotions so ending it all is something people go to first.

When we let things build and build our minds get weaker and weaker. Our hearts become brittle, and because of this, we want the pain to stop. And that’s why we choose suicide.

I want my campaign to touch as many people as it can. I want to help people out of the dark holes that anxiety and depression can bring, because I’ve been there.

Follow me as I put speak up on the map and bring awareness to this topic!

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