Sadness Within | Teen Ink

Sadness Within

April 22, 2018
By Anonymous

When I was a little girl I always felt like something was missing, I never knew what it was exactly but no matter what I did that space could never be filled. I tried everything. I started drinking at a young age and smoking pot and partying and becoming someone I'm not for the people I had brought into my life. Now at just fifteen years old I'm trying to find who I am and put my life together. A short couple of months ago I had attempted suicide. I was at such a low point in my life. My bestfriend saved me, with out her I wouldn't be here today. I've been through alot but with the right mind set and willing-ness to get help I am doing alot better than I have done my whole life. So this is just a message to all people who are struggling right now, things do it getter. This rough spot won't last forever, don't give up. Someone loves you!

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this is when I take a look around and see just how many people are struggling. I just want to share a short part of my story and tell everyone that I understand how they feel but it does get better. 

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