What My Dad Really Needs to Hear | Teen Ink

What My Dad Really Needs to Hear

May 17, 2018
By Sydneysmithh BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Sydneysmithh BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Dad,

I see how hard you work to make me and Nina’s life the best that it can be. Our family as you know doesn’t express how much we love each other and I just wanted to say that I do love you and I don’t tell you that enough. You care so much for everyone and always try and make them feel better no matter what the circumstances. You can always tell if I am upset or not myself and I become your main priority.

You don’t understand how much you mean to me.

I talk to other kids and how they are with their parents. I realize how lucky I am to have a dad who is cool and can goof around and relate to what I am going through while other parents are super strict with their kids. You never treat me like I am five and let me experience things and learn from them which is great. Being in a household with someone who you trust so much and they trust so much really is a fantastic thing.

Helping me through everything meant so much.

Genuinely I don’t have any idea what I would do if you were out of my life. Being sentimental is not something I am good at but I feel like you deserve this because of everything. You always find a way to make me smile and laugh even when I try my best to hold it back. Going through the hard times was rough but you helped me get through things I never thought that I could and that means more than you will ever know.

Thank you.

I never really knew how to thank you for all you have done but I guess this is how I’m going to do it. From when I was born to this day you have made my life a little bit brighter. I can’t wait till I’m older to find someone who is as loving and caring as you.

I love you.


The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was my father because I don't show him how much I love him enough.

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