I Love You to the Moon and Back | Teen Ink

I Love You to the Moon and Back

May 16, 2018
By kcibilich BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
kcibilich BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Alice, my mom, is special because she makes me laugh when I’m feeling sad, she comforts me when I need comforting, and she will do anything to make me happy. To start off, the reason my mom is special is that she makes me laugh when I feel sad. When I was little I fell off the swing at school and my brother had to walk me all the way home. When I got home my mom was watching TV on the couch and heard me screaming crying when we walked through the door. When she saw the breach in my skin she said, “And she’s safe!” I then busted out laughing because I thought it was hilarious. A second reason my mom, Alice, is special is that she comforts me when I need comforting. I went to Europe for the summer and my mom was making bread pudding for dinner. When I was cutting bread I cut my finger and I just started to scream. My mom came over and put a wet paper towel on it and sat me on her lap and sang to me until I fell asleep. The final reason my mom is special is that she will do anything to make me happy. I asked my mom to have a friend over she said I couldn’t because we had to go to dinner. I said ok and walked off because I didn’t care if my mom said no or yes, I was just seeing if I could have someone over. My mom realized how good I was being even though she said no and she let me have a friend come to dinner because she knew that would make me happy. Lastly, I love my mom, Alice, to the moon and back because she makes me laugh when I’m feeling sad, she comforts me when I need comforting, and she will do anything to make me happy.

The author's comments:

I wanted to type something about my mom to show how much I love her. 

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