The Not So Perfect Night | Teen Ink

The Not So Perfect Night

March 6, 2018
By Anonymous

 “So how was the game and what did the coach say?” my dad asked.

“It was really good. I played pretty good but the coach was being a jerk to some of the players and calling them out on mistakes even though we won.”  I explained.

My dad and I were driving home from Antelope from a high school soccer game. We were both joyous and ecstatic because of how the team played today. It was getting to be around nine o’ clock when we decided to stop off and get some fast food for dinner before we got home. It was decided that we would go to Carl’s Jr. and get dinner. We park the car and start to walk inside the restaurant.

It’s dark outside but the weather is perfectly warm. We walk inside to Carl’s Jr. and stare at the menu for a couple of minutes. There were a lot of new items and I was unsure on what I wanted to try and order. My dad and I were ready to order, however there was only two workers at the restaurant and it took forever for a cashier to show up.

Finally, we ordered our food for and waited for one person to make our entire meal. We soon got frustrated on the amount of time that it was taking. My dad started to pace around the counter since it has been twenty-five minutes and there is still no food to be seen. After ten additional minutes, we finally receive our food and we can go home. We walk out to the car while we complain about the poor service.

I walked up to the side of the passenger door with two to-go bags in my hand when I noticed something strange. I said to my dad, “Watch out when you reverse the car because there’s a lot of glass on the ground.” I inspected the glass and saw how much of it that there was. I slowly reached for the door handle and I noticed that the glass was missing. The glass was missing on the whole passenger side of the car. I screamed in fear and frustration, “Dad look! Come over here right now! It’s our glass, someone must have broken in while we were inside.”

“Ugh you have got to be f***ing kidding me right now oh my god!” my dad yelled to the world in anger. “Stay right here while I go check if the store has cameras and while I call the police!” my dad demanded to me.

I stood around the car looking at all of the shattered glass on the floor and in the car. I was inspecting the entire car and everything in the area trying to get any details that I could. I was unsuccessful in finding anything. However, I did notice that my soccer backpack and my school backpack were missing.

“Dad all of my bags are missing!” I shouted in anger. I was a rush of emotions and I wasn’t sure on what to feel. It was so frustrating because of course it had to be us. Why couldn’t we just get dinner and go home without having so many more things to worry about?

My dad ran to where I was standing to look at the car and check to see if anything else was missing. He realized that his work and mail keys were stolen as well as all of my belongings. We were even more shocked that the robbers had this much time to take all of these items.

We stood around the car as we were both disappointed and sad that we didn’t hear or see anything from the restaurant. We were completely puzzled and in shock on how fast our day got ruined.

After a few minutes went by and nothing seemed to change and nothing else seemed suspicious, my dad and I went home. We drove slowly hoping that the remaining glass wouldn’t fall off and break. As we drove home, every bump in the road caused the glass to break even more to the point that the window was absolutely clean. It looked as if the windows were rolled down all the way.

My dad and I got home and we left the glass and whole situation behind because we were starving. We were so hungry but yet we could not eat or finish our food because we lost our appetite.

I stated ironically that, “The food doesn’t even taste good. All that time for nothing.”
My dad answered back saying, “I know it taste like s***. I’m never going back there again.”

As the night winded down, my dad and I went to go clean out all of the glass from the car. We were hesitant to clean it out because of how many small pieces there were. We ended up cleaning it with a broom and vacuumed the rest of the smaller pieces after.

We went inside the house again and went our separate ways to bed still filled with anger. It was a day that will never be forgotten. 

The author's comments:

This was a personal experience that I will never forget. 

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