An Explosion of Emotions | Teen Ink

An Explosion of Emotions

March 8, 2018
By Anonymous

“Don’t leave because I don’t want you to,
Don’t leave because I love you too fondly to let you go,
Don’t leave because we have loved each other too dearly to destroy it.”

They were such simple sentences. Yet my mouth didn’t seem to open and say those words. All I could say was “Go. Be free. I shall not be a burden to you anymore”. Why was it so difficult to speak the truth you ask? Perhaps because I was afraid of being mortified and hurt. My mind always stops my heart from interacting with my mouth. My mouth only communicates with my mind while my mind is allowed to communicate with both; my heart and my mouth. Sometimes I wish my heart and mouth would connect and communicate, but it would probably cause an explosion of emotions from my entire life.

The author's comments:

Personally written from the heart

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