Forever Changing | Teen Ink

Forever Changing

March 5, 2018
By chanakeme BRONZE, San Diego, California
chanakeme BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I moved schools, I struggle to identify myself. It seemed so easy at my old school. I sat with a solid group of people every day for years, I had classes with people I was familiar with, and I felt I knew myself. Now, it is not as simple as before. I have not lost myself; instead, I feel I keep finding new facets to myself. These new facets continually surprise me and make me excited to wake up in the morning and discover new things about myself. But, this poses a problem: I have found that I cannot place myself in certain boxes. Thus, this problem has caused me to seclude myself away from others while I continue to search for my complete identity. I have learned to open up more as the days go by and I get more comfortable with my ever-changing identity. Although I may be unsure of my identity, I know for certain that my identity will be forever changing.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by mother and her research in biracial identity in Ameican society. I grew up in both black and Japanese household, but I have felt I don't fit in either racial group. I began questioning my identity more when I moved schools. Suddenly, I could no longer cling to the identity I had with my friends. I had to find my true identity. Although I have not found it yet, I am excited to see the how I will grow, change, and learn as the years go on. 

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