Lucy Lynn | Teen Ink

Lucy Lynn

March 4, 2018
By Anonymous

Our feet pounded on the loose gravel as we followed the winding path to the front door of a shabby house. As we approached, the door was opened and the once soft whimpers became loud growls. Puppies flooded our visions, each one tiny and eager, tails wagging ferociously. They were all fluffy and very soft with precious beady eyes. Full of life. Every puppy was very energetic and had their own personalities.

The biggest puppy of the litter had made her way over to my family. She was panting and drooling all over. She had raspy breaths and walked over everything in her path. The puppy constantly begged for attention and for belly rubs. She continuously licked us with her rough tongue. From the first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she was going to be ours. She was the perfect fit for our crazy family.

We soon got to discover her spunky personality. She has always been running around and never stops to settle down. She loves to play with her chew toys and chews other things up. But regardless, she is still my best friend. I knew from the moment that I saw her that she was the puppy of my dreams. She is the best dog anyone could ever wish for and I am so glad she is a part of my family.

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