What My Childhood Tasted Like | Teen Ink

What My Childhood Tasted Like

December 18, 2017
By Anonymous

Ever since I could remember every party, whether it be graduation, birthday, a holiday, you name it they were there. Everyone craved them from the second they walked in the door to the second they were in their mouths. They were the one, the only chocolate chip love cookies. The recipe was no secret however, no one else could ever seem to make them right. It was like there was a pinch of love or something in the recipe. Something that not everyone had. That is why only my cousin Katie, and on rare occasions my aunt too, could make them.
It was my fifth birthday and all I had asked for was a bunch of the chocolate chip love cookies. I craved them all day. My mouth watered with every hour that passed by, counting down til dessert time, 7 o’clock. They were the best thing ever, especially for a five year old because I mean, who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies. Plus, since it was my birthday it meant I got an extra one!

The warm, gooey, baked just the right amount time cookies had finally finished. Now it was just a matter of time before they cooled. “However no one was in the kitchen and I would only take one cookie so I mean no one would notice right?” I thought to myself,  “Plus it's my birthday and I can't get yelled at on my birthday.” I thought as I stealthy slid into the kitchen.

There they were, the cookies I had waited for what seemed like an eternity for. It seemed like they were calling my name, like they were surrounded by the rays of heaven, glowing in what the now seemed dark kitchen. I couldn't help myself anymore I reached up onto the counter, grabbed the first one I could and shoved it into my mouth as fast as I could.

“OWWWW” I screamed. I had forgotten they had just been taken out of the oven and were still scalding hot. “Oh no” I thought to myself, “I'm gonna get busted. I quickly swallowed the tiny bit of cookie that was in my mouth before family started rushing in. “Hayley what happened” everyone asked impatiently and with a sense of worry considering I was standing next to the stove that was still hot.. So many reasonings racing through my little five year old mind, I stubbed my toe, I rolled my ankle, I ran into the wall because I was running too fast, I accidentally touched the stove. “I stubbed my toe” I said trying to sound less upset than the fact that my tongue felt like it was on fire. Everyone did the old ritual of “ aw, are you okay? Do you need us to kiss your boo boo?” While then proceeding to kiss my “boo boo”, asking if I was okay, and moving on with their conversations.
Shortly after that 7 o’c rolled around and it was time for the little pieces of heaven to come out. I got the first cookie, considering I am the birthday girl.  As I took my bite into the cookie my mouth started to water. The warm, gooey, chocolatey cookie melted in my mouth and down to my stomach. “ Best birthday ever” I thought to myself. I reached for my second cookie, after I saw everyone had gotten their first, and devoured that one just as fast.

My birthday wishes were now complete and it was on a count down until the next party, when we could bring out the chocolate chip love cookies. Everyone started to settle down now. Everyone’s tummies were full, and they had gotten what they looked forward to the most. The day had come to a wrap, and a great one at that.

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