Quotes | Teen Ink


September 15, 2017
By Catlover123 BRONZE, Mukwango, Wisconsin
Catlover123 BRONZE, Mukwango, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At my school they  have quotes all around the school all day everyday. These quotes inspire kids to be better or try harder in what they do to reach there goal. But students don't usually see the quotes around the school so they have poster of famous people saying the quotes or write the quotes on the smart board or chalk board. Quotes can have a major impact in many ways on people or change people's perspective.


What people say can change the world or even something small but still having a big impact people's lives. When martin luther king gave the “i have a dream” speech  it changed people. It made people thing different about the racist hate or comments it made everyone change there was from having different school to going to the same school. There was still people saying no no way this is gonna happen. But it did it changed now and the future. Those a quote in ela saying Two roads diverged in and wood and i took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference. And it pushes me to do better and do different things or  create different things.

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