To Whom it May Concern | Teen Ink

To Whom it May Concern

April 25, 2017
By This_is_real_life BRONZE, Manhattan, Kansas
This_is_real_life BRONZE, Manhattan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To whom it may concern-

Hello people of earth! My name is... not to be mentioned at the moment. You see, I want to be able to make this the realest, most honest 'Blog' There is. Yes, i do have another account that has my actual writing on it, but i thought this would be cool to do. For now, my name will be B.G, or B for short.

Lets see... what should you know about me? I have ADHD, which is pretty much code for i get distracted easily, but am the most awesome person you will ever meet. Just kidding... yeah... no I am not. I love to read and write just about anything, especially sad stories. I am in high school, but will not say my grade. I love sports, and food. if you dont understand my love for food let me spell it out for ya.





anything that has sugar in it, oooh you better watch out, because im going for it!

So yeah... since this is just an introduction, i guess I should let you know, i will try to write daily, but it may not post for like a week. You know how this stuff works. I will talk about the hardships teens face, but also how flippin amazing being a teen can be. If you have anything you want me to talk about, i will! just comment your questions, comments, and concerns below!

I am hoping this 'Blog' will be a hit, but.... ya know... it will probably have like... two views and then i will be sad. Not really though.

Ooh ooh! I almost forgot! Here is your weekly MOTIVATION!

Quote: " Be Fierce in the pursuit of what sets your heart on fire."- Unknown

Lucky Day: Monday! (Gross, I know!)

Best Time of day: 3:00pm

Well, thats all I really have for this first post. I hope, fellow reader, if you are reading this now, you will hit the little icon that says, 'email m,e when this author contribues work' because i dont just do blog post. i will write stories, poems, songs, the whole dang kit and caboodle! Stay tuned reader, and I hope to see your comments soon!!!


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