Bullying in High School | Teen Ink

Bullying in High School

January 26, 2017
By Anonymous

When you're a kid they show you all types of bullying videos and tell you "if you see it happen tell a teacher immediately." As a young kid you always see bullying everywhere. Being in the middle school years is tough and you just want to fit in." "I see other kids do it so I will too." " Maybe it will make me more popular." Teachers would do their very best to help everyone. When I was little bullying was monumental, but as I get older and now in high school; it changes a bit. We are finally starting to find ourselves and accept other people's differences. We are not as close minded as we once were. In a small school like ours, freshman don't get shoved into lockers or have their lunch stolen. In a small school like this, people generally get along. Not everyone is like this, but it is a drastic change from middle school. As I notice in high school, when the problem with bullying starts to arise, who are we supposed to tell? Teachers? When we do, nothing ever happens, they have bigger problems to deal with. "You're in high school, just deal with it." "Don't let it get under your skin." "You're old enough now, who cares." It just gets worse. And what do you do if it's the teacher who is doing the bullying? As I notice in high school, the kids are no longer the bullies, it's the adults. Some teachers are inclined to fail you just because they can't stand you as a person. You could do amazing work, but still get graded harder than anyone else in the class. You can try you're very best and do a great job, but still get a big fat F. Some teachers like to belittle you just because you're a little bit slower than the other kids, and they have to change their lesson plans. "It's inconvenient." Some teachers refuse to give you the extra help just because they don't like you. Some teachers refuse to except your work because of the way you express yourself and some refuse to assist in explanations because "You're in high school, you can figure it out." Some teachers refuse to "like" you just because you hang out with the wrong crowd. Its understandable that they have their own lives but if the students are expected to pay attention in class and leave their problems at home, shouldn't the teachers? It's an abuse of power; if that's not a bully, I don't know what is.

The author's comments:

As a high school kid, all I can say is, we want your help. We want to be heard and assisted and listened to and we're talking the only way we know how. 

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