Love or Just a Crush? | Teen Ink

Love or Just a Crush?

January 20, 2017
By Anonymous

There are times when I feel like giving up, times when I feel like no one actually listens. There are even times when I feel as if I'm not worth it. 


One day, I was at school and I felt funny. I wasn't myself. I felt as if anything were possible. That is actualy true. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. I went all day with a smile on my face. 


That night as I went home my dad told me to go get in the truck. We were going to town. I slowly got ready and leisurely walked to the truck. On the way to town we stopped and ate at a mexican resturaunt. I personally am not a fan. He, however, loved it. We left the resturaunt and went to WalMart.


I was walking around with my two little sisters when we walked past two guys that I knew, well I personally knew one of them. The guy called out at me and I turned around and they were both standing there smiling. I had a smile so big that it hurt when I tried to straighten my face. 


I ended up catching eye contact with the boy I barely knew. I didn't try to break the gaze, I stood there and smiled. FInally, my dad walks up to me and says he's ready to go and i broke the contact. I turned back around to see if they were still there, but they were gone.


That following Monday I walked into first period with the biggest smile on my face. I noticed one of the guys was sitting two seats behind me. I thought to myself, 'THis can't be happening.' We ended up making eye contact several times after that and everytime I felt something different. 

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