A Not-So Christmas Miracle | Teen Ink

A Not-So Christmas Miracle

December 21, 2016
By Blerina BRONZE, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
Blerina BRONZE, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Before Alice got to Wonderland she had to fall"

It was 2013 Christmas morning, the house was shining bright with the beautiful lights and decorations around it. It's most favorable time of the year. Snow was falling and some birds were chirping, while I was inside spreading holiday cheer after I've woken up at 8:00am the earliest I ever woken up before.  My mom was home before I woke up starting the huge dinner for my huge family. She was at work before eight-o-clock for a few hours, but I mean come on who has work on Christmas her boss was being a real Scrooge for making her work on Christmas. I waited for everyone to come down the stairs as I waited to open my gifts staring directly at them wondering what was inside these magically boxes. Everyone was down stairs and we were all ready to open gifts, we passed each other our gifts and got to unboxing. That year I was so happy and grateful for everything I got and everything I already have. I got many Wii games and 3Ds games that I could play with my brand new 3Ds. It was later that day and we were all ready to finally eat. Yay! I was so hungry because I didn't eat any delicious breakfast, that I could probably eat a whole thanksgiving turkey by myself. As we gathered around the table my family and I and gave our prayers all I could think about was food during all of that. The one thing that is never fair every Christmas my sisters gets extra money and more good wishes from people because since her name is Kristina and in Greece you have a name day and Christmas is her name day since an angle has the name Kristina too. After a long day I fell asleep of course because I for one ate so much food you couldn't imagine how all of that food fit inside me. After play the Wii nonstop and with my 3Ds I feel asleep in my room, knowing me I always sleep. It was about 7:00pm when I finally woke up from my nap. I checked down stairs to make sure where everyone was and everyone was watching the famous Christmas movie Home Alone. They were so into the movie it was kind of funny.

My sister went to the movies by the time I woke up with her friends "the twins" to see a movie that just came out Christmas day. If you ask who are "the twins" you say? Well they have been friends with my sister for almost half of her life and I've known them for my whole life. They are called "the twins" because they are all the same age and there is four of them but they aren't quadruplets they are separated into two sets of twins (Nikki and Jenny were twins, Marissa and Alyssa were twins). I was playing in my room satisfied with myself and my barbies back then I was such a Cindy Lou Who, until the Grinch came and stole Christmas. All I hear is my mom screaming everyone was so loud that I couldn't even hear them. I was frightened because it wasn't there regular screaming like Albania's always are it was frightened screaming. I then heard mumbling. Fire! Fire! My dad opened the door to check what was happening and then was pushed through the fire. The gas tank from the barque was ablaze the house was lit on fire in a quick second. Every five seconds the tremendous black wall of the fiery red smoke was getting bigger and bigger. In that split second all I was thinking, well I was thinking nothing because I was shaking with fear and didn't know what to do, I was like a deer in headlights. I had a dress on so the first thing I did was put pants on because I knew it was cold out and the first thing I grabbed was my American girl doll and 3Ds, trust me when I say, I have no clue what I was thinking. Since I was the only one upstairs my grandpa ran up the stairs picked me up and told me go outside through the back with you grandma. I heard my mom screaming Ina! Ina! Call 911. "Are you ok?" I screamed with fear "what is happening". The house was almost burnt down in pieces so my dad screamed just "get out now don't worry about 911". We all ran out with no shoes on, there was no time. The windows and mirrors broke and glass flew everywhere because of the strong heat of the black thick smoke. My grandpa helped me and my grandma down the big jump through the back because my mom and dad got outside through the front already. I ran so fast I could beat a cheetah in a race. My feet were very cold and my heart was beating faster then it should I thought I was going to have a heart attack I was so confused but aware of what was happening at that moment. Everyone on the block was watching as the house I used to live in just a few minutes ago, collapsed to the ground. News reporters and ambulances were interviewing and helping my family as best as they could.

At this moment since my sister was at the movies she kept getting these calls from her friends mom that lives on my street. She did not answer the calls because of course it is the movies you are not supposed to but when she got the text saying "your house is on fire" my sister was in shook she didn't know to believe it or not she still came anyway. The fire department final arrived after 10 minutes trying to get here the house already was fully burnt to pieces by then and burned through two houses. All you could hear were sirens, screaming and crying I felt like I was going to faint, this couldn't be really happening I thought o myself, "it is definitely a dream" but no, the house was really burning down and feeling so hopeless because I couldn't do anything. My mom and dad wanted to cheer me up and they had to leave me to stay somewhere because I couldn't stay outside. We knew some Albania's that lived on the corner of my street for some time and since we were friends they sent me there to stop crying and maybe play a little bit to get my mind off of what happened. After playing for some time and telling my friends that my house burnt down even though no one believed me until they saw it on the news, I fell asleep and wounded up in my sisters close friends/family house. They just got a new house and it was huge it took me a while to get use too but they let us stay there for two or three months because of what happened. I got used to that place and it felt like I was living a dream and I didn't want it to end but after three months we then got this house to rent until our beautiful new house was done getting built. The sky was crying because this major change that was happening as we left their house.  We finally moved into our house that we were going to be renting as my their house that we found was being rebuilt. This house you could say was different, what I mean by different is, as soon as I walked in I said "are you serious". It was made out of all wood so like the walls were thin and stuff would creak a lot, it kind of felt haunted especially if you went down to the basement. A year and a half or two passed by and my new house was about to be done we just need to move all of the furniture in the right spot and bring our clothes to the house. My family and I stayed over night sometimes because we all were excited to leave that other old house. Just a few days after my family and I moved into this new dream house we all loved very much, which I loved the most because I had my own room. P.S. I had the bigger one too. My family and I after that day kept moving on and believed that god made that happen so we could be where we are today.

The end.

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