Expectations of a Student | Teen Ink

Expectations of a Student

December 12, 2016
By Demelza BRONZE, Fountain, Colorado
Demelza BRONZE, Fountain, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wake up in the morning at 5 A.M. Get ready in half an hour. Take a sip of coffee before you leave. Leave. Get to school. It’s 6 A.M. School starts in two. Get to rehearsal. Rehearse. Get to first hour. School started. Get a packet of homework and review. Second hour. Get math problems you don’t know how to do. Third hour. Get scolded for taking too long to take out your homework. Fourth hour. Get another study guide for a final that doesn’t exist. Lunch. Limited food due to limited seasonings since it would make us “fat”. Fifth hour. The teacher quits because students will never shut up and take it seriously. Sixth hour. Another homework assignment. Seventh hour. You fall asleep in class and wake up when the bell rings. You head to work. Co-workers take the day off and give you more work. Rush hour comes along. Your boss yells at you for slacking, yet you’re the only one working. You stay after closing hours to clean up. Go home at 10 P.M. ready to give up. Your parents yell at you for coming home so late. Your brother trips you up the stairs and yells into your ear “it’s just a prank bro!”. You get to your room. The school calls your phone. “Get plenty of rest for upcoming finals!”. You’ve just about had it with school. You throw your bag on the floor. You slam your face into the sheets of your mattress. Your face sinks in. Tears roll down your cheeks, soaking the fresh sheets your mother had put on the day before. You look at your bag. You can accurately pinpoint which folders consist of the dreaded homework given today. How? How will I get eight hours of sleep? You try to call your friend. She’s already asleep. You sigh. You start to work on your homework. It’s 11 P.M. It’s 12 A.M. It’s 1 A.M. 2 A.M. 3 A.M. You finally finish your homework. You eventually get to go to sleep. You toss and turn in bed. You wake up in the morning at 5 A.M. Your eyes don’t want to fully open. Two hours of sleep. Wonderful. You sleep walk into the bathroom to get ready. You don’t make the coffee in the morning. You rehearse at 7 A.M. Your rehearsal performance slacked and you get yelled at for not being up to par with everyone else. You get to first hour. Pop quiz. You resist the urge to stand up and leave the room. You fail the quiz. Second hour. More math problems you don’t know how to do multiplied by the imaginary square root of eighty-nine. Third hour. The teacher picks on you and you alone for your messed up hairdo you forgot to comb out in the morning. Fourth hour. Another study guide over nothing. Lunch. You forgot to make your own lunch. Fifth hour. You have a substitute that quit faster than the teacher did. Sixth hour. You can’t even figure out what’s going on anymore. Seventh hour. You go to the counsellor’s and they tell you to stop slacking and get your grades up. You get home because you have a day off of work. Before you give up on your homework, the school calls. “Make sure to get plenty of rest, for finals are tomorrow! Don’t forget to do volunteer work, create a non-profit organization, have a healthy social life, stay physically active, stay on top of your homework, create discussion topics in class, go to work for money, sign up for colleges, look for early interviews, and be an active member of the community!” You sigh. Why? You give up.

The author's comments:

After being stressed out for the entirety of the school year, I had an urge to write it out. To put my stress onto paper and out of my system. This is simply what came out of it.

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