Takedown | Teen Ink


December 12, 2016
By Anonymous

Do you like reading about other people's disagreements. Before wrestling came around I had my mind made up no matter what anyone said.Me and my Dad disagreed about wrestling. MY dad wanted me to wrestle but I had no desire to wrestle.Don't let people make your decisions for you but always take their ideas into consideration.

Me and my dad disagreed about wrestling he wanted me to wrestle but I didn't want to wrestle. My dad and I had many long talks about how I should wrestle. Every Time I would say the word wrestling he would try to talk me into wrestling and it got annoying.But I knew all he was trying to do was make me better at everything I do.
I had absolutely no desire to wrestle. But first I told him I did not want to wrestle.I don't think he believed me because he didn't say much about it.A few weeks later football was coming to an end and he said are you going to wrestle and I told him no. He was kind of taken aback by it because I had wrestled for 3 years now. Next he started trying to talk me into it and no one was changing my mind. Then when he realized I wasn't going to wrestle he told me “I won't make you do anything you don't want to so it is your decision”.

My dad wanted me to wrestle more than anything in the world. He had a few reasons for wanting me to to wrestle.first, wants me to do it because all it does for you is good. Second, He had always wrestled so he wanted me to wrestle to.lastly, He just liked going to watch me wrestle.

I have learned that the only reason he pushed me so hard to wrestle was because he cared. I understand why he wanted me to wrestle and I probably should have wrestled but I just didn't enjoy it anymore.It would make it a better place to be if everyone would just think about other people. It would do the same thing for the community.

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