One Night Camping | Teen Ink

One Night Camping

December 12, 2016
By blake_maser BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
blake_maser BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know what it's like to fear for your life. When my friend invited me and a few of my other friends camping with him,I never thought that we could get into so much trouble. We wanted to go on an adventure in the middle of the night down a old country road. There was six of us so we thought “strength in numbers”.We should of new better that there might be danger.

We were pretty far down the old dark narrow road when we heard what seemed to be a yelp. we tried to think nothing of it just telling each other it was a coyote but when you are in the middle of nowhere and hear something like that you might get just a little jumpy. After a little farther down the road it was as if there was a sinister presents around us and we all felt it. There was a disagreement between all of us to keep going or go back.

There was a feeling we should go back, we needed to adventure and see what was down farther down to road. Jacob and Silas two of my other friends agreed with me and was on my side. Are argument was how are we supposed to know what we are scared of if we don’t see it. One of my friends Garrett didn’t know what to do.
Gibson and Ethan didn’t want to keep going because they didn’t want to see what was farther down the road. The Argument was that there was more fun stuff to do back at camp and people live out her because they don’t want to see any other people and they might shoot at us if we are on there property. Because there was three of us against two of them.

We started down the road again. By this time we were really far down road, there was no sign of civilization except one small house with a barn next to it. All of my friends and me were really curious on what was going on in the barn because the lights were on and it was about 1:30 in the middle of the night. There was small fence that was easy to get over. Once we got over we started making our way to the barn hiding behind the farming vehicles. We were a few feet from looking inside the barn when Silas tripped and fell on a mower and hit the barn making a huge noise. We all booked it and Gibson picked up Silas because he was still on the ground. We see a person come out of the barn holding a gun which was probably a salt gun thinking we were coyotes. We made it back to the camp unharmed except for Silas who twisted his ankle but it wasn't that bad, he could still run.
Jacob Silas and Me realized that Gibson and Ethan’s decision would of turned out better for us and would of been the safe decision. We had a new understand for decision making and listening to the other side of the argument. If we were to put ourselves in their shoes We would of understood why they wanted to go back. When you consider things from another person's perspective you get a bigger idea of the situation.

The author's comments:

This is a Personal Narrative

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