My Tragic Event | Teen Ink

My Tragic Event

December 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Back in 2011 my family and I were driving to my cousin's house in Hanover park. It was around 3:00 pm. It was my mom,dad,little brother, little sister, and me. We were driving in my moms suv a 2011 Volvo XC90. We were going around 70 mph when out of nowhere the passenger side front wheel blew up and the suv turned to the left and we crashed into a concert barrier. It happened so fast. I had know clue what had happened. The only thing I can really remember was us driving, then hearing a loud explosion and losing control.

I was terrified. After the crash happened I remember looking around to see if everyone was okay. The crash happened on my side. Thankfully nobody was badly hurt, just some minor cuts and bruises that's all. At the time I didn't know if I was hurt, I was filled with adrenaline, the only thing I can think of was getting out of the suv. I remember trying to take off the seat belt but it was stuck or something. So I was stuck there on the seat. The people who saw the crash came to help and one of them saw me stuck in the seat. He tried opening the door on my side but it didn't open. I don't know how they opened it but after they opened it they had to cut my seat belt. Thankfully I was fine.

My mom called my cousin and told her what had happened. My cousin asked if we were all okay and thankfully we were. After the police and ambulance came and told us we where okay, we went to the dealership. They gave us another truck to use for the time being. After my dad called the insurance or someone we ended up getting the same truck.  To this day I am a lot more alert when I'm in the car because I want to brace myself if an accident were to happen again. Now that I look back at it I still find it scary but I'm just glad that my family and I are still alive.

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