Historical Figure | Teen Ink

Historical Figure

December 1, 2016
By xNATx GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
xNATx GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hamilton. The best musical on Broadway, and I get to have a balcony seat! The play was just about to begin; everyone had their place, and the music is stopping. The curtain flew up!

The cast is superb, and they were all different ethnicities. I heard the person behind me, sobbing. They whispered, "This is amazing! People of color are here; they're in the cast! This is great!" I was shocked. Why wouldn't people of color be here? It's not like we live in Jim Crow times…

I had to turn and see who the person was; I was appalled. How could he be here?? How is that possible! He must be so happy. It looked like Abraham Lincoln. Old Abe!

The play finished and the crowd praises the cast for the performance. I rushed over to the man! Sadly, it wasn’t him. But if he was Abraham Lincoln, I would have asked him what he thought about the States. The changes in government, does he think they’re good? I think he would be the best person to talk to, and the most interesting president in my opinion.

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