Personal Narrative | Teen Ink

Personal Narrative

October 31, 2016
By MelanieVail55 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
MelanieVail55 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The  monitor  screeched in other room it felt like it was trying to get my attention then it                      

Stopped the smells of the waiting room filled my nose. The room filled with silence water dripped from the faucets DRIP, drop, DRIP.

I heard a phone ring in the other room then I heard my name be called I stand up and head towards the wooden oak door and I carefully

put my hand on the cold metal knob which sent chills up my

Spine and goosebumps filled my skin. I saw a shadowy like figure standing right in front of me. 

‘’Follow me please..,‘‘

She said  and I walked towards the room she was heading to and I saw a computer and a very large container then the thing I could not stop looking at was my child in a see through container that I remember seeing the day she was born

‘‘ The doctors are still debating if you could take her home today,¨

She said while tapping her pen on her clipboard every second it tapped and tapped then she stopped and bit the bottom of the pen anxiously  there was silence for a moment. A few moments later she then broke the silence and cleared her throat
‘‘Would you like a glass of water?‘‘
She asked me sweetly she once again left the room with just me and my child all alone in a silent room and all I could hear was my child tossing and turning in ther blankets she was laying on. A couple of seconds later my ears filled with footsteps thudding across the jagged wooden floor.
‘’ Here you are¨
She said happily

‘’thank you..‘’ I mumbled and it sent vibrations to the glass cup  I took a sip of the the cold bitter liquid.

¨Don't you remember how it all happened ?¨

she asked looking into my twinkly brown eyes.

¨How could I forget it ¨ I said with a laugh.
         *FLASHBACK* I finally had the child i've always wanted I was one inch from holding her then.. they did it they took her away from me. I didn't even let me hold her at all someone tapped me on the shoulder.

‘’Since your baby is premature we will have to keep her here for a while‘‘

she addressed while looking at me I looked down at my feet  I heard my baby crying they put her in  this clear container and put monitors

¨Since she's premature she might have a bit of problems right now she is having trouble with her breathing¨

and all sorts of wires in her and there was a oxygen tank.

¨What is that for?¨

I asked  She said staring blankly into space.

¨ your child.¨

I snapped out of my trans. She handed me my baby and finally having her in my arms i've never held a baby before

¨Ma'am you may be able to take her tomorrow but she'll need to have this ¨

she handed me this monitor.

¨This is a monitor that will track her breathing to make sure if she is breathing properly if it goes off then it means she has stopped breathing. If that ever happens you have to rush her here as quick as possible¨

I nodded and then she carefully handed me my baby. I sat there and then put my child in a soft fuzzy and warm blanket I once more wrapped her around in all snug and walked off telling the doctor thank you and waved goodbye and in the end I finally held her in my arms feeling her soft warm skin contacting mine, I felt like a child getting the best present on christmas.


                                  THE END 

The author's comments:

I roughly dont remeber what happened because I was a newborn child so I got the information from my mother!

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