Kaleigh and Sabrina's Death | Teen Ink

Kaleigh and Sabrina's Death

October 26, 2016
By Sean1224 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Sean1224 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A bowling match. Sweat, excitement, anxious. My coach looks gloomy with sorrow. My teammates celebrate over the win we took. I knew something was wrong. I walked over and asked him  

“What's wrong coach?” I asked

“Just wait until the match is over then I’ll tell you and your teammates.” He replied in a vry depressing way.

“Ok coach” I said

At that moment, I knew something was really wrong. After the match all of us were laughing and having a good time because we just won our first match of the season. Right then the coach called us over and there was nothing but blankness on his face, like he just had no soul, just darkness in his head. He said “Boys, I know this may be hard for you,  but the girls from your school, Kaleigh and Sabrina died in a car crash a couple of hours ago. Right then and there my heart just dropped, my eyes started to water up like a waterfall. I nearly almost passed out and collapsed. I was fading away from earth. I feel the thoughts going through my head. I feel so empty. I wanted to yell. The following day, we had a full day at school and I thought “This is going to be a bad day”. When I walked into the school everyone was really down on themselves. The atmosphere wasn’t the same, people were not laughing and joking around, there were people that are always happy that were down on themselves. There were people that didn't even know them, that were crying. As I was walking through the hallway people were crying around their lockers, in classrooms, on their friend’s shoulders and I thought to myself “Man this is something I have never seen before”  “I can't explain it”. 

We didn't do anything in any of my classes, all we did was sit there and either talk about what happened or put our heads down, It was like that for the rest of that week. I felt everything change. The week after the accident was the funeral for Kaleigh, and the day after was Sabrina’s. Everybody dressed up in suits and dresses.  They tried to look like they were okay but they weren't. I could still see the darkness in people's eyes and in their thoughts, I still felt the pain, the darkness,and in fact I still feel it when writing this. When I arrived at the funeral, I was with my best friend Alex. It felt good that I had someone that had the same feelings as me. When we walked in people were all gathered in groups, they were either crying or trying not to when talking. It was like walking through a scary movie. As I sat down I seen Kayleigh's dad and I said to Alex

“Man, I can't imagine what he’s going through” I said
“Me either” He said

The man looked beaten, their was a blankness to his face. He had eye bags underneath his eyes like he hasn't slept in days which I could imagine. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he was holding it in, or he was out of tears. As her mom walked in she looked the same way, but this time her makeup was already smeared before the funeral started. Both of her parents hugged each other as they were crying and that literally shattered my heart into pieces because I knew they just wanted their daughter back.

Around 12:00 was when the funeral started and when it did at first it was all silent. All that you heard was people noses sniffling and people still crying. At that moment the pastor said “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, today we are here to remember Kaleigh. Here is a slideshow of her memories and best moments, with the song of the background as her favorite song”. The song at the time was very popular and it was “Hello” by Adele. As the slides when on it showed little baby pictures of her plus her right before she passed, every picture sent a chill through my body. I was trying to hold my tears in, but as soon as I looked over my friend Alex was balling his eyes out. Right at that moment, my head started to rush. My body started to shake. The tears started to come out. After I got done crying, the funeral was over. I didn't want to say goodbye, but I had too. As I walked out of the room, there were people still crying. Then I see her dad again. He was going around shaking people's hands and telling them

“Thank you for coming”  When he got to me he said
“Thanks for coming buddy.”
“You’re welcome.” I replied. 

When Kayleigh's dad said that to me, somehow I felt how he was feeling. I felt the darkness, the sadness, and the emotion. After the funeral I went over to Alex's to stay the night. I stayed over there because Sabrina's funeral was right after our half day of school the next day and they were my ride. When I woke up I still felt the depression, the sadness and the tears coming but I held them in. We got to school and as usual people were still crying, hugging each other and at this point I started to get used to it. We still didn't do any work and we got out at 10:50, the funeral was at 11:30 at Dexter lake church. Just like Kayleigh’s funeral, there were people crying everywhere. I felt bad for her family. I didn't cry this time, nor did I get to say “I'm sorry for your loss” to her parents. After the funeral everyone saw Sabrina get put into the ground. I didn't want to say goodbye but I had too. Right as she went down I thought of all the times I seen her around the hallways, laughing and having a good time. Same with Kaleigh. I realized that night when I was in bed that when I get my license, I am going to drive safely so I don't put my family in that position, as well as my friends. I hope and pray every night that I don't have to wake up the next morning and see that someone has passed away.

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