"I'm Dull" | Teen Ink

"I'm Dull"

October 11, 2016
By MBarrette BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
MBarrette BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dull. Funny word. Dull, meant to sound as if there is nothing to see, boring, weak. But but the word dull can mean so much more, calm, relaxed. Just a word that means, yeah so what, my life is dull who can hurt me, if I’m dull, you can’t possibly interfere with my flow of life. Let’s say you’re life is extravagant, fast, sharp. Life will move too fast, leaving you behind in a dust cloud of regret and torture. Life can be fun when you are sharp, piercing, honed, but being dull, means you can stay out of the way almost like you are a shadow among the shadows. Being dull means safety, and that’s just what I’ll do.

The author's comments:

This piece kinda refelcts how I am at school. There are all of these messages that are put out that you "need" to be out there and different. Well, all of those talks rarely work to be blunt about it, every kid grows up and is filtered into a certain type of group. But those groups are all the same. My friends and I aren't sharp or special, we all are different by chance. We all love different things with a big difference and that's what binds us together. You look at the popular kids and say wow I wish I was one of them but most kids/people look and them and tell themselves that it is ok for what I am.

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