Where I Was Supposed To Be | Teen Ink

Where I Was Supposed To Be

October 10, 2016
By Katlinmayberry BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Katlinmayberry BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As of today, I was physically supposed to be in Arizona.  I was supposed to move there so my mom could get a full time job to support her four kids.  I was supposed to be starting high school at somewhere I’ve never heard of.  I was supposed to be restarting with my friends all because I was supposed to move.  Emotionally, I was supposed to be happy.  I’m not depressed by any means, I’m just not to experience the things I have at fourteen.  I was supposed to be spending time with my dad, but unfortunately he passed away in February.  I was never supposed to feel the heartbreak from my dad before any boy could ever hurt me.  Both physically and emotionally I was supposed to be somewhere else but we don’t always get want we want in life.

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