This I Believe... | Teen Ink

This I Believe...

June 13, 2016
By 1414ajs SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1414ajs SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 People should accept faith and let things happen the way they were intended to. Individuals are constantly trying to perfect every little thing, more times than not this results in problems and stress. It is simply human nature to try and make things work out and do everything to increase likelihood of perfection.


However, perfection will never be achieved and this is a concept many have yet to comprehend. Things do not always work out and not everyone can always be happy but life goes on. Humans should be able to adapt to any situation and adjust to the ebbs and flows of life. Interference causes things to become complicated.

My father has always lived his life by the moto “life is too short to sweat the small things”. This could not be more true in life, we are on this earth for a set amount of time and we should make it count. We should live life looking at the big picture thinking of greater ideas, not stressing ourselves out over small forgettable problems. When we are old looking back on our life we will not remember all the hiccups and instances but rather the life we lived. I am forever grateful my father taught me the importance of enjoying life and not worrying about the problems but instead embracing change and adapting.

A time I can remember where striving for perfection caused nothing but stress for me. When I was turning nine I planned out my entire birthday party to a tee, from the time we started opening presents to the candles on my cake. We planned the date and a few of my close friends could not come, after all the planning I had done this really annoyed me and I kept dwelling on the fact that they couldn’t come. We went on with the party but I was already upset from the lack of attendance and to top it all off two of my candles went out while happy birthday was being sung. I had a fit, I had strived to have a perfect birthday and it resulted in nothing more than stress and disappointment. After that fiasco I learned a valuable lesson, take a step back and let things happen. Ever since then I have been very relaxed about my birthday and the parties always end up being more fun.

Intentions are good but not being able to accept and adapt to change is where the problem begins.


Perfectionist are under a constant cloud of stress that they can seemingly never escape. Just when they have everything the way they want it, life happens. This natural human instinct is a main reason for stress in everyday life, perfection will never be achieved but it is engraved in some that they can create it. Once it gets to the point where they are continuously nit pick every little thing it becomes unhealthy. Their planning and “perfecting” hardly ever works out the way they want it to. The issue is that perfectionists do not see the big picture, to them life is one day at a time. In the grand scheme of things it is nothing short of foolish to worry about every little thing that goes awry. I believe people should concern themselves with the things of great magnitude and put their energy into these things. Life is too short to stop at every bump, I believe you should only stop for what matters.

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