The Day I Became A Sheath | Teen Ink

The Day I Became A Sheath

May 12, 2016
By Richard_W. BRONZE, Frankfort, Ohio
Richard_W. BRONZE, Frankfort, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
-Albert Einstein

Some experiences can change our outlook on the world, some might be major changes or
minescule things others wouldn’t notice. For example, let’s say you were mugged. You would
alter your life to be more cautious in the world. Or you get a raise at work and you realize you’ve
helped out the company by working so hard at your job. My story is a little more, exciting if you
will than these examples. This is how I learned, the hard way, to become a better sword smith.
It all started three years ago to my second trip to Sarasota, Florida. It was a crisp, warm
morning as I lumbered out of bed to make some tea. I grabbed a box of Earl Grey tea and
proceeded to put 6 spoonfuls of tea in the pot, one for the pot and one for every person. I poured
in the boiling water and the sweet smell of tea wafted through the house like a wave of aroma.
After that, I went to fetch the newspaper and grab a piece of toast. I sat at the bar, watching the
news and eating my breakfast when i hear the dogs, Abby and Ramie, stir from their slumber. I
watch as my uncle and aunt, Virgil and Teri, walk out into the foyer and grab a cup of tea and
watch the news along with me.

“Morning Rj,” my uncle stated as he slapped my back and grabbed the teapot. “Today
after work I am taking you to blacksmith, aren’t you excited?”
“Very,” I replied tiredly, “I am just the slightest bit sleepy this morning.” I grabbed him
and Teri a cup for tea as the rest of the family began to stir. The rest of the day was prettyuneventful, We swam in the pool and watched Netflix. It was around 3 when my uncle came


“You ready Rj,” he asked while walking in the door,”We’ll be leaving soon.” I get
dressed in thick jeans, combat boots, and 3 shirts as he was getting his saw. We hopped in the car
and drove to his work. As we got out he asked me to help lift the door and we went inside. He set
up the place while I got my apron on. We started with a piece of tempered steel as I ground it to
shape. “Rj, how’s it going over there?” I foolishly let my guard down and the sword impaled my
right side, all I remember is a searing pain in my side and the blinding heat of the blade. I awoke
in the hospital with a bandaged side and an iv in my arm. That was my story on how I was

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