My Favorite Mistake | Teen Ink

My Favorite Mistake

April 18, 2016
By Anonymous

It was mid July in Michigan. One weekend at my house my parents told me they were leaving for a trip somewhere for the whole weekend. I was in shock because they never leave me home alone and for some apparent reason I thought it would be fun to have a “little” party. It ended up not being so little.

They left on that friday but i didn’t really do anything the night before. As soon as I woke up on Saturday morning I started telling a bunch of people to come over. Some people came and we just were outside all day. I was driving around a lot too and everyone I would see in town I would tell to come because I wasn’t even thinking about it really. By the time night time came around there were a pretty good amount  of people but nothing that compares to what's coming. The house was pretty packed and i just started to tell people to invite their friends. That was probably the worst thing I could have done because not only did i have a lot of random people in my house but there was to many too. At the time i didn’t care at all who was there and the more the better.

By around midnight there were more people in my house than I had ever seen before and it was really out of hand. As the night went on I walk by a window and see about four fire trucks coming for my house. When that happened I was so confused but i had a bunch of adrenaline so I ran out to see what was happening. The firefighter said to me “Your alarm is going off” I said “oh there's no fire” and he said okay and they went on their way. I was so happy at that point because I didn’t think that would happen. I went back to the house and i see that my parents texted my phone. I was completely sad because I knew the fire department had called them. I had to tell my parents about the party because they knew something was up but it wasn’t as bad as punishment as i thought. They weren’t really mad they just said if the house was messed up in any way they would be mad. I made sure it was spotless. The worst thing about the whole situation was cleaning up because there was so much to clean. The carpet was trashed and there was an unreal amount of garbage. I managed to get it all picked up though using my dad's intimidation as a motivator.

That Sunday they got home and investigated throughout the house trying to find one little thing to have an excuse to yell at me but it was spotless and so they were relieved. I learned a lot from it but the worst thing was defiantly the cleanup. I probably won’t ever have a party of that scale at my house ever again but i'm glad it happened.

The author's comments:

This piece is dope.

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