Hike. | Teen Ink


April 21, 2016
By allyk21 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
allyk21 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Step by step, silence surrounds me.  I notice a little bird pecking at the ground; I believe it’s a sparrow searching for food.  The air is warm, and the mid July sun is shining warm and bright.  The ground below me is rocky and rough on my bare feet, but I don’t mind.  All I have on my mind is escaping.

You may wonder what I’m trying to escape.  My answer is simple, everything.  I want to break free from all the chaos.  All the riots, terrorists, and bombings.  All the floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes.  All the drones who aren’t thinking for themselves, but rather going along with what society says.  I just want to escape from it all.
I like to go hiking at least once a week.  It’s my way of getting away.  I wish could permanently leave, but I know I would miss some people too much.  Instead, I just go hiking.  There is something about being in nature that makes me feel as if nothing can touch me.  Nothing can bother me.  Nothing matters.  It’s just me and nature.  All of it: the animals, the plants, me. We are all the same. 

I like to notice the little occurrences happening around me: the crickets chirping in the distance, the birds singing their morning tune, or the squirrels franticly running from place to place.  It’s nature that fills me up with joy and happiness. With every step I take, the air seems to get fresher, cleaner, and I feel as if I can breathe better.  No one is around, but I like it better that way.

I continue to go up-step by step-waiting in anticipation to see the view at the top.  That’s the best part.  Step by step, I go higher and higher.  I’ve hiked about three miles now, and I know I’m getting close.  I start to approach the spot where the river bends down below.  Just a few more steps up and I have arrived.

I have finally arrived to the spot I have come to know and love so very much.  I hear the sound of the steady flowing river below me.  I look out over the treetops; the landscape seems to extend for an eternity.  There is vegetation all around me thriving in the warm summer sun.  I can hear all kinds of creatures living their daily lives.  I sit on the ground and look up at the sun burning with great intensity.  It’s incredible.  I feel as if nothing can touch me.  The chaos is gone.  I look around and take in all the beauty.  It’s so peaceful, so beautiful, so natural.  I could stay here forever. 

I hear a noise coming from behind me.  I turn around to see a mother deer and her fawn taking a walk down the same path I had just hiked.  I’m amazed at their beauty and uniqueness.  The mother guides her fawn as they walk along the trail.  She is so graceful, while her baby still clumsy.  They see me and run the other way. 

Unfortunately, I know why.  I wonder why humans have to be so cruel. Aren’t we all the same-animals and humans alike?  We are all earth’s creatures.  Why can’t we live in harmony?

I fear going back down, although I know I must.  I don’t want to be sucked back into the chaos.  I don’t want to be a part of the brainwashed generation.  I don’t want to turn into a drone like all the others.  They’re all alike, they think the same, act the same, and even sound the same.  Each week I fear returning, because I know that every time I do-every time I’m around them-a little part of me starts to get sucked in.  Sucked into the chaos.

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