Lose Lose | Teen Ink

Lose Lose

April 11, 2016
By Anonymous

My mom told me that I could travel more if I stopped dancing and I looked at her with excitement and then it dawned on me that she said, “If i stopped dancing.” That was something I could never imagine myself doing. I had never allowed those words even into my head, that just sounded so disappointing and depressing. I’ve been dancing since I could walk, I spend all my time outside of school there. That is my second home those people I see everyday aren’t just any people, they are my second family and best friends they wouldn’t ever let anything bad happen to me, because they care so much about me. I will always stick up for them they will forever be some of the most important people to me in my life.

I looked at my mom and said, “Not dance anymore? Like not at all?”

She said, “well no, I guess not at all. But you would only do one dance.”

I looked at her in awe and confusion. “Why only one?”

“Sweety, if you stopped dancing all the dances you are doing now and only did one, we’d save so much money and you could travel and do whatever you want.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes.” She replied.

“Oh wow.” I sat there speechless, I just looked at her in amazement because in my future I want to travel all the time. I have a passion for traveling, photography and dance.

Well mom you know I can’t just stop dancing and just doing one dance wouldn’t cut it so I guess that means no going to Bora Bora or Paris right now. My excited posture now shrunk to a slouch of sadness. I looked at my mom and said, “but it’s okay because I  love dance very much and wouldn’t ever give up on it.” she looked at me and could see my disappointment.

“Sweety, you know you don’t have enough time to do it all.”

“Yeah I know.”

I then got out of the car to walk into my second home, my dance studio.

The author's comments:

This is a real life expiernce, where i had to make tough decision. 

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