To My Mother | Teen Ink

To My Mother

April 13, 2016
By Miofofio BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Miofofio BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never thought I would be so attached to my mother as I was when i was 5. At that age your parent is your entire world. She supported me through every trial and tribulation. Every medical treatment and doctor's office. To this day I give her my respect to keeping me alive and birthing me. I was 8 at the time and, distant in my memory, I had grown incredibly ill to the point of near death. I couldn’t breathe or walk, pure suffering. At the time I thought to myself “Was I going to die here…” That period of time both parents were fighting and my mom was on the brink of leaving out of fear and intimidation (totally understable). But, she stayed and made sure I was taken care of and alive even though it was not in her safety to stay. After that she told me “If you had died I’m not sure if I could live with myself”

Mom went through a lot in her life just as I could see it in the span of 16-17 years. Abuse, heartache, illness, things she couldn’t help. However she never stopped moving forward and never stopped caring for me whether she was home or not. Her gentle tone always calmed my bad days and her self sacrifice inspired me to do the same.
My mother was a great artist, architect who designed the house I currently inhabit, and at a young age she taught me how to draw. The rest of my family were not as supportive with my artwork or my creative beliefs but she always made sure I was encouraged in my talents.

I could go on for hours about how strong and intelligent my mom is, and how she’ll never be forgotten or dimmed in my eyes.

The author's comments:

Since my mother couldn't be here for my presentation i wrote something in her place

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