A Life with a Hat | Teen Ink

A Life with a Hat

March 20, 2016
By MattSchroeder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
MattSchroeder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My great grandfather always loved his hats, but there was one hat he loved the most. This hat was the one he got when he was coming to America from Ireland. He was born in Ireland in the early nineteen hundreds. His name was Frank Julian Ward and he had brown hair. When he started to grow up he wanted to leave Ireland and move to America, but his parents would not let him. His dad's name was Carl Ward and his moms name was Mabel Julian. They didn't want to leave yet because his mom was pregnant. After a few months she had a son and his name was Bill. They waited a while for the baby to get a little older. After a few more months they decided to move to America.

They had to go to the dock to find a boat that is going to America. They talked to the people around them and found out a boat would be there shortly, so they decided to wait around for a while. Carl gave Frank some money to look around for something he wanted before they  left. So Frank walked around looking for something he wanted. He found a store that he thought had somethings he may like in it. He went inside and started to look around. Then he found it, a sown wool hat that he immediately fell in love with. He bought it right away and rushed back to his parents to show them. He got back just in time to see the boat coming in. They all boarded the ship and set sail on the rough sea to America. They arrived at Elias Island after several weeks and were so happy to be off the boat after a long time. After several years his father died and he had to support his mother and brother. He could not attend college but made sure his brother could. He then married the love of his life, Nora Carroll. She had brown hair and was short like him. They were married in 1945 at St. Christina church. This is the same church I was  baptized in, went to school, and graduated from. In December 15, 2012 at the age of ninety four, he passed away. Now I am the one to carry the legacy of the history and now I will create history for the next generation.

The author's comments:

Matt S. is a sixteen year old sophomore in high school. For English class he had to have a story and tol about his great grandfathers life. I wonder what others stories he has up his sleeve?

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