The Not-so-Happy Christmas in July Story | Teen Ink

The Not-so-Happy Christmas in July Story

March 17, 2016
By Mikenam BRONZE, Orland Park, Illinois
Mikenam BRONZE, Orland Park, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is a story of how I ended up with what I think is the biggest mistake of my life. It was the summer of 2011 in mid July when we decided to get a new dog. My mother and I were looking at a dog named Quincy. Quincy was a male German Shepherd just like the lacy from the old time movies. I liked him very much and so did my mother, she said he was such a beautiful dog. But on the other side of the story my brother wanted a different dog named Boots. Boots is a male black lab mixed with a Boston terrier. He was supposed to be a smaller to mid sized dog. When my mother finally said we were going to go and pick up our dog I was so happy. We went and drove one hour away all the way down to Libertyville, Illinois.

When we got to the place to pick up the dog I ran out of the car to finally meet the dog I wanted. They brang him out to us and it ended up being Boots, the black lab and Boston terrier mixed dog. They had named him Boots because he had little white feet that look like well boots that we wear on our feet. I am not gonna lie but this dog is weird.

The first night he was with us he did what any other normal dog would do. Which is cry and bark all night because he misses his brothers. The second night we had him he stopped so we assumed he was a good dog and was finally used to us being around us as his new family. The third night my brother friends were running around playing football outside and the football went into our yard. We of course got the ball and continued to play, we had forgotten that we have left the gate to our fence up. So we all can kind of guess what happens, and of course our mom is screaming at us “You guys lost the dog!, you guys lost the dog!” So I start just looking everywhere for this little dog that isn't even 6 months old it's pitch black and can hardly see him when he's in our yard with lights outside filling the ground with white and yellow beams. The first thing I decide to do is run out the front door, and see if I could catch him that way. Then as soon as I open the door a little black figure sprints through it takes out my legs, and runs through the house. After this I scream “I found the dog he was sitting right outside our door.” We were all amazed that this dog was outside our front door the whole time. And even more shocked that he knew where he would lived.

After this whole crazy week things started to get better and better over time. Sense then, now we have had Boots for almost four and a half years it been a lot of changes. Like that our dog is for sure something special. If anyone would ask me about my dog I would say he is very very different. I say this because he can do almost anything a human can do like for instance he burps, farts, hiccups, opens doors, drink water from the fridge, and he understands four languages. I think a majority of those things are annoying but the only thing that I think is amazing is that he is able to understand many different languages. He understands words in Spanish, English, Polish, and Mongolian. He had learned all of these by just normal everyday things that our maids would do. He understands them all about the same not one more than the other except for English because my family and I speak that the most. In the end to sum everything all up I think we ended up making a mistake with our dog Boots but it ended up really good.

The author's comments:

Im a high school student athlete that loves sports vacations and think I make a great first impression on everyone I meet

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