April 10, 2014 | Teen Ink

April 10, 2014

March 11, 2016
By loIali BRONZE, Youngstown, Ohio
loIali BRONZE, Youngstown, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I’m scared you will realize I am just bones and questions and leave me for something solid.

Sometimes I’ll randomly get this strange sense of existence. Usually when me and Devin meet between classes. i’ll look at the thing I love more than anything in the world and realize all he is is cells. And in 90 years those cells will return to the earth because these cells aren’t really ours, we’re just borrowing them from the earth and sooner than we like to think we’re going to have to give them back . And that is so amazing. In biology we are learning about animals. We’re made of cells and sponges are made of those same cells (in a sense)  and sponges are the most complex simple-animal discovered and humans are the simplest complex-animal discovered. And we are  amazing. When we are happpy we make a sound that we call a laugh and when we are sad we produce salt water from our eyes and when we get cut we bleed but still survive and when a male and a female have sex a whole human is formed inside a woman. Can we just let thet sink in ? We have the capability to CREATE LIFE . We can do that ! And we can CHOOSE if AND when we do that. Sponges don’t even have brains. they cant even move. They’re hermaphrodites, they never feel love. When they get hurt, that part breaks off and creates a new sponge but they cannot comprehend how amazing that is because they can’t think. We are so amazing.

except we use our abilities for bad. All a sponge wants to do is eat, reproduce, and survive. All humans want to do is thrive, no matter what means we use to thrive. A 16 year old boy just stabbed 20 people. a sponge just got bumped into by a fish.

we are the most advanced creatures in the known world and we are killing each other.

I think i’d rather be a sponge.

The author's comments:

Again, a rather bad part of my life but something I've grown from. 

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