Monticello Illinois History | Teen Ink

Monticello Illinois History

February 29, 2016
By tyjay11 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
tyjay11 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
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There is a town in the U.S.A that has a lot of history on how it came to be. That town is Monticello, Illinois. I’m sure most people from around this area have heard of it. Most people don’t know how it really got up to speed. Well history lovers, class has started! Here is how we got started;

To start off, we’re going way back to when the Indians started settling in good ol’ Macon County. Wait! We’re in Piatt County, not Macon County! Well back then, Piatt County was not formed yet. We were all part of Macon County. In 1822, The Delaware Indians started moving into present-day Monticello: these were the first settlers around Monticello. In 1829, the Delaware Indian leader Buck moved into this area with his wife Manasea. He moved onto the land that James Piatt owned. Now, Buck didn’t live in a nice, fancy mansion on “Millionaire’s Row” (now called N. State Street): all the huge mansions and downtown businesses weren’t even in the planning works yet. He lived in the wild with the green grasses and tall trees like a scenic painting by Bob Ross.In 1834, Manasea died and was buried near the Sangamon River. Later, in 1842, some of the Delaware Indians robbed her grave and scattered around the area. The bones were later retrieved by William H. Piatt and Abraham Marquiss.

Early Settlers
The first settler to arrive in Monticello was George Hayworth. He moved here from Tennessee with his wife and four children. Later, in 1827, he moved to Danville. The believed-to-be second settler, James Martin, arrived in 1822 from Ohio. He eventually moved to Indiana and sold his house to our next settler: Abraham Haneline. The story of how James Martin decided to move was interesting. Martin met Abraham in Springfield in 1824. Martin told him about how Monticello was and Haneline decided that it sounded like a pretty good place to live, so he moved here. James Martin sold his house to Haneline. Haneline had four sons: Abraham, Jacob, James,and Nathan. Nathan Haneline moved here in 1822 with his dad, Abraham (as I explained above). He married Sarah Souders on November 12, 1833. That night, the 1833 meteor shower was taking place. Nathan died in 1902 of natural causes. The next important settlers to move in was James and Jemina Piatt. They had seven children: William, John, RIchard, Anna, Noah, Jacob, and James Jr. Jacob was the first white child born in Monticello.

The Show Gets Started
In 1837, a committee was made up of four was formed to help decide how to really build a town. The members were William Barnes, Abraham Marquiss, James McReynolds, and James Piatt Jr. James McReynolds chose the name Monticello. He named it after Thomas Jefferson’s home in Virginia. The first county clerk was chosen as J.D. Hillis. In 1841, people claimed that they wanted the county courthouse closer. Piatt County was officially born on January 27, 1841. The county was named after James Piatt.

Firsts and Early Life
The first courthouse was built in 1843 in downtown Monticello. Daniel Stickel was the town’s first general merchant. Peter K. Hull was one of the first doctor’s in town. George Patterson and James Outten were the first school teachers to teach. The second courthouse was built in 1856 after the first one had been torn down. Back in that time, the building on the northwest corner of the Historic Downtown Square was packed with stuff to do and see. This building has 3 stories and a basement. On the 3rd floor was the Rhoades Opera House. This opera house seated 500 people. The second floor was office space. The first floor was split between Huston, Moore & Company and N.E. Rhoades and Son clothing store. Huston, Moore & Company was the first bank in Monticello. In the basement was a bakery and a barber shop. The Rhoades Opera House’s first performance group was the McGinnis Gem Comedy Company.  It closed in 1897 when the Allerton Building was built. A new 800-seat opera house had opened on the second floor of the current library building.  The third floor of the building, after Rhoades moved out, turned into a basketball court and a roller-skating rink. In 1841, the first jail was built.

In April 1841, the first county election was held,  John Piatt was selected as the first sheriff. In 1842, the first stage coach service opened from Decatur to Urbana. In ‘45, the first drug store opened. In ‘46, the first school building was built.  The first church built was the Methodist on the northwest corner of Marion and Market in 1847.

In 1860, Piatt County was divided into 8 townships.  In ‘61, the Monticello Railroad Company was founded.  Food prices were really cheap in ‘63: beef was $.4-7 per lb, butter was $.9-10 per pound, corn was $. 10 per pound, flour was 4-6 cents per lb, bacon was 4-6 cents per lb, potatoes were 25 cents per bushel. In 1865, J.W. Coleman was selected as the first school superintendent.  The population was 1,539. The “Bashful Nine” baseball team was the first of its kind created in 1870. Robert Huston opened Huston and Company. The Rhoades Opera House was built in ‘73. In ‘78, the first high school class graduated. It was made up of 5 girls and no boys. In ‘80, the first telephone service started.

In 1891, the first electricity was used. In ‘93, the Monticello Woman’s Club was organized (Yes, I understand that has nothing to do with anything but, moving on now). The population was 2,832. Old Washington School was built in 1894. This building was originally part of the high school.  In 1897, Allerton Library was built. The Allerton Mansion at Allerton Park was built in 1900. The present courthouse was constructed in 1904.  The downtown steel railroad viaduct was also constructed in 1904.

Country Charm Dairy opened in 1915. This was located at the current location of Boka Shoppe on the northeast corner of Marion and Market, across from McDonald's. Burgess & Cline was founded by L.C. Burgess and O.L. Cline. They are still serving this community today. Farm prices back in 1917 were fabulous.  The present high school was built in 1921. The Monticello Golf Club was formed. The population was 2,200. The Rotary Club was formed in ‘24. In ‘25, the forest preserve park was established. Moore Gym at High School was opened in ‘26. Camp Creek Duck Farm opened in 1927. The population in 1930 was 2,381. The present post office was constructed in ‘35.

Kaiser’s Department Store opened in the current location of the Monticello Gym Academy in ‘44. Monticello Ready-Mix opened in 1953. 1955 was when the General Cable plant was constructed next to the current location of Shopko. The Inter-Urban trolley line from Decatur to Champaign stopped running. New Washington School was constructed in 1956. The population in 1960 was 3,214. In ‘63, the high school’s first golf team was formed. In 1964, founder of Allerton Park, Library and Mansion, Robert Allerton died. Bill Abbott started selling cars in 1967. Mr. Flippo started cooking some of our favorite Italian food in 1971. Where “I’ve been working on the railroad” becomes a real thing started in 1972, a.k.a. Monticello & Sangamon Valley Railroad Museum. High school runners started strolling down the new track in 1977. Valentine Park was developed in 1980. The population in 1980 was 4,753. Tatman Village opened in 1981. Most people probably didn’t know that Cisco had it’s own school since circa 1883. Well, in 1983, they joined the Monticello School District, quite possibly the best school district in Illinois. In 1985, The Original Thickburger came with Hardee’s to Monticello.  In 1986, Bill & Sandy’s IGA opened at the current location of County Market. Well by golly, look at the clock! We finally made it to the 150th Anniversary of Monticello, Illinois. 1987 was the year of that very special anniversary.  We even received a letter from Ronald Reagan,  the president of the United States of AMERICA!

Letter from Reagan
To the citizens of Monticello,  Illinois

“I am pleased to send warm greetings for the 150th anniversary of Monticello.  Each city and town of our great country is unique, but all are bound together in the love of these United States.  We are fortunate to live in a nation of strong and proud communities where everyone has a chance for success and the blessings of liberty and freedom can be enjoyed by all, regardless of background.  As you commemorate this anniversary,  you have a splendid opportunity to renew your commitment to preserve the spirit which has forged America into a land of wonder. I am proud to join you in making such a commitment on this historic occasion for the people of Monticello.  With hearty congratulations and best wishes for continued milestones,”
-Ronald Reagan

Closing Statement
I am proud to share all this great info about the history of our town. Some people might think this is more boring than the Science lessons were last year. This is all true info that I have found throughout some of the books I’ve read. I took 10 pages of notes to write this. That’s not including the Reagan letter. We received that letter on May 10, 1987. We also received letters from the house of Representatives and a couple of senators.

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