Family Over Everything | Teen Ink

Family Over Everything

February 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Family  over everything. Nothing you can do to break us. Here together till the end. My mom is my best friend. She kees me on my toes and keeps me going every day. They're always there for me. Never leaves my side. Keepin it 100. Stayin ride or die. No matter what I do they always try to make me smile.

I've been through the best and fought through the worst. We were never perfect. I don't need that stuff.  I never went to church for the first time. If I stop that's when I'm fightin a verse. Heck not. Hate the devil that I serve. It's just that I been tryin to get this music to work for everyone. And those times I was hurt from you dad,trying to tear my family apart. That's just really sad. We don't want that crap. Payin' barely any attention to us. Always busy with her or at work. That was us in the dirt. What's the success really  worth? From those times I was hurt it was from you dad. Tryin' to tear my family apart. I learned that the first time shall be the last and the last shall be the first. I wanna go to heaven but you made my life a hell. At times I had my friends and at times I was by myself. I've gone through it all. I'm down on my knees and ask God for this help. Please believe me, I'm not evil. Even though I got stories to tell. I don't want to end up in a casket. Don't want to end up in a cell. Never wanted your stupid money, but know that my stories sell, and that crap is just paper so farewell to  all those haters. C'mon stop tryin  to destroy us dad. Promisin'  you'd do anything to make us happy. You get mad,tell me kiss your a&@. Stop callin' me white trash cuz I'm gonna fight you in rap. Yah nice job; cuz if that's your job you're doing pretty crappy. Yet my mom is always there for us. She keeps her promises - same with you Chris. Yah. You all tryin' your hardest to be the best. But to be honest, even your worst is the best to us.

Family over everything. Nothing you can do to break us. Here together till the end. My mom is my best friend. She keeps me on my toes and keeps me going every day. They're always there for me. Never leaves my side. Keepin' it 100. Stayin ride or die. No matter what I do they always try to make me smile.

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