Number Eight | Teen Ink

Number Eight

February 12, 2016
By Tony_clutch BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Tony_clutch BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What if the person you were most afraid of was there everywhere you turned? Would you confront your fear or would you just run and hide? I know what you're thinking, "I'd confront my fear of course" while that may be true let me ask you this, what if the person you feared the most turned out to be the person you least expected? Let me explain what I did as I take you on a journey to my night at Farmer Field.


To begin with I woke up in a terrible mood. Waking up constantly during the night, switching from pleasant to not so pleasant dreams, everlasting thirst ,yeah, my morning wasn't starting out so well. To add to my misfortune I find out I've been fired from the only job I actually enjoyed. This must be Friday the 13th, I'm thinking , nothing seems to be going my way. So what do you do when you're feeling bummed? You pull out the "get out of your feels" card and for me, that's baseball.

So I call up my teammate and long term friend Cj Flores:
Cj: What's up?
Me: Nothing much, what are your plans for today?
Cj: Umm I think I may hang out with my family for a couple hours why?
Me: Let's go up to the field and take some grounders.
Cj: Sounds good to me , I'll let you know when I'm On my way! *click*

The line goes dead and I'm left with nothing to do for a considerable amount of time.


To kill time I go downstairs to watch tv with my brother it's always good to share a few laughs with family members makes you feel somewhat  normal in this crazy world. Several hours pass and around 8:45 pm I received the greatly anticipated text message, "On my way". Relieved at getting the chance to take out my anger and frustration I was dressed and ready to go in minutes. Yelling “I will be back!" heading out the door the real story begins.


Several things seemed peculiar upon arriving at the field. The first thing that didn't seem right was the fact that two cars were heading out of the field parking lot. Now what would these cars be doing at 9:00 at night at a baseball field? The second thing that seemed a little off was the fact the gates were unlocked and wide open and coach NEVER leaves the gates unlocked or wide open for that matter. The Third thing that really unnerved me was upon walking further into the field you see the tractor coach uses to drag the infield just sitting there out in the open, one of coaches babies, just sitting there out in the open . The final thing that somewhat made me regret coming was that if you looked directly to your right and at the scoreboard it was turned on and several zeros were displayed across the top .Technology is everything right? So naturally being teenagers in the 21st century , we pulled out our phones and took pictures.


While Cj and I were putting in work, creepy things started to happen. The lights in the cages started to flicker, the gate slammed shut with the help of no wind, and a strange beeping sound was slowly getting closer. After about an hour and a half of work , Cj Says, "Dude let's get out of here" I couldn't agree more . On our way out,the cage lights shut off and as we looked back as we saw a silhouette figure standing by the lights. Adrenaline was coursing through my body at this point and I'm pretty sure CJ saw it too. I looked at Cj then back at the cages and the mysterious figure had vanished and the lights were on. Hurrying back to the car CJ looks over his shoulders and says, " Dude look!!" I turned and on the scoreboard where several zeros had previously been lined up the number eight was flashing.

Do you know the only person ever to wear the number eight at my high school?

Head Coach Stephan Mike Campbell.


Everywhere we turned we imagined coach Campbell appearing out of nowhere. We couldn't seem to get the image of the number eight out of our heads. It was permanently burned into us like a farmer would brand a cow. So what would you do if the person you were most afraid of turned out to be the person you least expected?


One things for sure in all 3 years of my life that I've known Coach Campbell, I will never look at Stephan Mike Campbell the same way again.  I know that I'm going to remember this night for a long time.Even though Stephan Campbell is my Coach, I will always see the number eight illuminating above his head.

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