Climbing a Mountain | Teen Ink

Climbing a Mountain

January 26, 2016
By Anonymous

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves” (“Edmund Hillary Quotes at”).   This quote by Edmund Hillary compliments the time I not only climbed an external mountain, but numerous mountains inside of me. Last June, when I climbed Mount Sherman in the Rocky Mountains, I conquered my fear of heights, learned the value of a helping hand, fulfilled a dream, cultivated the importance of perseverance, and recollected the value of trusting God.     

Each step I took was another slap in the face of fear.  Although the heights gradually inclined every step forward, I did not let my fear of heights stop me from accomplishing my goal of reaching the mountain peak.  At 12,000 ft. in elevation, I began to calmly panic within my body.  I was hiking on loose rocks that led to a steep drop on both sides of the mountain.  I took deep breathes of the warm to cold mountain breeze, and peacefully inhaled the lovely aroma all around.  As I began to slowly calm down, I realized I was conquering my fear of heights apace with the 14, 049 ft. mountain.

As I continued to climb the mountain, I observed my companions and their willingness to serve those around them unselfishly.  Never once did anyone complain about the three to four hour hike, exhaustion, or hunger.  The boys in my group were behind me, in front of me, and alongside me making sure I didn’t fall.  At times they carried my backpack, filled my water bottle with some of their water, supported me when I needed support, and carried me when I needed a break from hiking.  The girls in my group, supported me with encouraging words, hugs, and hand holding when I needed it most.  They tremendously and unselfishly served me and those around them with grace and mercy, only given through Jesus Christ.   Overall, my hiking team offered unconditional love, service, and encouragement that showed me the important quality of a helping hand.

Climbing Mt. Sherman, fulfilled my long-lasting dream of climbing a physical mountain.  Never once did I think I would have the chance to climb a mountain at fifteen years old, but sometimes life comes with surprises that turn into the extraordinary.  As soon as I portrayed Mt. Sherman from the ground below, I knew I was going to reach the mountain peak.  I had tears in my eyes before and after the peak ascent. Having fulfilled my dream of climbing a mountain, has inspired me to accomplish all reachable goals and to help others reach theirs.  

Standing at the foot of the mountain, I looked up in awe and determination to make it to Gemini Peak. This determination led to perseverance because each step enhanced the desire I had to reach the mountain peak.  Hearing words, such as “We are almost to the top of the mountain” and “Good job, team” not only strengthened my endurance, but my level of persistency furthermore.  At one moment I stood at the infrastructure of a snowy acclivity, awaiting to climb in nothing but black Nike’s.  The feeling I grasped was parallel to the term, “fortitude”.   

The fear I acquired aroused certainty that humans are mortal and need a God to trust in times of fear and doubt. Every negative thought I had beckoned me from making it to Gemini Peak.  I doubted my ability to reach the top of the mountain, and was consumed by fear and anxiety.  I was fearful of failure, fearful of falling, and fearful of death. During my fear and doubt, God was alongside me.  Never once did He leave my side.  Never once did he leave me to fear alone.   As I continued to climb, I realized I was conquering my fear of heights while conquering a physical mountain.

In conclusion, I climbed multiple mountains mentally and physically; conquered acrophobia; learned the value of serving others; accomplished a goal; effectuated the value of   perseverance; and was reminded of the importance in trusting God.  Climbing Mt. Sherman, allowed me to conquer mountains internally and externally, while teaching me life lessons that will never fathom from memory.

The author's comments:

My name is Whitney! Alongside climbing mountains, I enjoy traveling, playing all types of sports, going on missiontrips, writing, and photography. My purpose of this article is to empower you to overcome your mountains, and to strive for your goals. 

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