Paranormal Activity | Teen Ink

Paranormal Activity

January 20, 2016
By DarkAngel98 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
DarkAngel98 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Paranormal activity can happen to anybody but there are some people that are out there that don’t believe in the paranormal also known as skeptics they always try to find a logical reason for the unexplained activity like the wind blew and closed the door and the floor is not level. Well this starts off with my first paranormal experience when I was sitting in my house all by myself and I heard a knock on the wall and no one was home and I went to the area where I thought the knock came for and pulled out a voice recorder and started asking questions and I played the recorder back out loud and all you heard was “GET OUT!!!!” and I sat there and started to provoke the spirit and told he/she that it was my house now and then I heard a glass break in the kitchen and a pan hit the floor every now and then I can feel when a spirit is around because you can get goose bumps or feel cold blasts of air in an enclosed building with no broken windows I had came in contact with my baby brother who died in 2003 and he always starts talking to me telling me to follow him and when I do I feel a heavy and dark presence and 9 times out of 10 it is a demon which harm the living and scare the good spirits away and people always put ghosts under one category and that is the evil category and not all of them are evil some of them are family members that have left the physical world and they are there to protect us from everything they are kind of like guardian angels they are there to stand guard and protect us from evil. Sometimes people yell and innocent spirits think we are yelling at them and we are not so we say we are not there to scare them it is the one that harms people that we want and demons come across as children and we think it’s a child and its not that’s why some paranormal investigators like myself do research on the location and if we don’t find anything about a child passing away in the house it is a demon. Demons can attach to you and start making your life fall apart it can ruin relationships and marriages. I hope to go on another investigation with my uncle so I can do more research on the place we are going to has been haunted for over 100 years there was a fire and it burnt the place down but it was rebuilt on top of the old house and a family died in that house and someone was murdered in that house and the murderer died in the house to so I’m going to provoke the murderer just to see how powerful he really is because they think they are powerful but they really are not they think they are better than every other ghost but in the end I come in and put them where they are supposed to be back with the rest of the spirits. Some people use provocation to get to the darker spirits. Some people are complete jerks towards the lighter side of every spirit.

The author's comments:

every summer i hunt ghosts with my uncle.

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