A New Home | Teen Ink

A New Home

January 20, 2016
By NicoleLopez BRONZE, Auburn, New York
NicoleLopez BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day had finally arrived, I could hear my family packing all their luggage in the living room, the thought of leaving everything behind made me sick to my stomach and furious at the same time. They did not care about what they were leaving behind, our lives, family, and friends. We were going to live in a whole different country somewhere where we didn’t know the language, or where I didn't have any friends in other words, we were starting over.
I refused to live the live that I have known for years, I refused to live the place where I grew up and had so many bad and good memories. It was like I could see my life flash before my eyes. I could just picture the little girl being swinged in swing sets by her father screaming higher higher higher or every christmas spent together the unwrapping of the gifts by the Christmas tree. As all my thoughts rushed through my head I could feel my tears coming down my eyes, but I managed to hold them back. When we arrived at the airport I could feel myself getting really sick and anxious it was all happening too fast. As I walked through that blue unwelcoming door I looked back and I could see my family with big comforting smiles on their faces, and I knew that was their way of telling me everything was going to be fine. We finally were ready to depart, as the plane taxied out to the runway and the pilot told the flight attendant to get ready for takeoff, I could hear the roar of the two enormous jet engines come life and we began to accelerate and eventually took off. From the window I could see everything getting smaller and gradually disappearing the higher we went up in the sky. The car ride from the airport was really quiet, my parents would speak every once in awhile, but I felt like there was nothing they could say to me that would make me feel better. As I stared out the passenger window I could see all the beautiful colorful houses and the green leaves falling off the trees being carried by the wind, the sun shining bright and the wonderful smell of the flowers made me forget about everything. Suddenly we arrived to a stop and in front of me was a big beautiful beige house with a gigantic pool, rooms and backyard, but it didn’t feel like home. As day went by it felt like everything was getting harder. I didn’t understand people when they talked to me, I was confused, I was completely lost. Eventually with the help of my family and support of  my teachers and time everything seemed to get easier, I started to comprehend the language really fast, I made new friends who are really caring and are always there for me and I’m really starting to like this new place. In conclusion, I learned that new things are not as scary as they seem, I learned that sometimes things change for the better.

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