Getting a Dog | Teen Ink

Getting a Dog

January 19, 2016
By xXx_Turner_xXx BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
xXx_Turner_xXx BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The two liters were growing heavier as the sky was beginning to turn dark and the smell of elephant ears lingered in the air. I spotted my mom and ran towards her, careful not to shake the two liters I won at the previous game. She was at the dog adoption truck.

“What are you doing, mom?” I asked.
“Looking at the dogs.” She replied.
“Why? Are we going to get one?” I asked.
“Maybe.” She said back.

Whenever my mom says maybe, if it can't be answered in a google search, it is always a no.

“Go home and get my Mickey mouse bag out of my closet.” My mom told me.

Without asking why I handed her the two liters of soda I won and ran home. I ran as fast as the wind, which probably wasn't that fast at the time. I grabbed the bag and hurried back. It was probably the only thing I’ve ever done right the first time for my mom.

I ran up to my mom with the bag, she exchanged it for the two liters.

“So are we getting a dog?” I asked her again.

“I’m looking.” she snapped back.

At this moment anyone would know if they were getting a dog or not, but for me the answer was still unclear, my brother had asked my mom if he could get a dog, but my brother and my mom both being allergic to dogs, I was still not sure.

“Why don’t you go inside the truck and look at the dogs?” my mom suggested.

“I don't want to.” I replied.

I would rather not see a dog I wanted and have my dreams demolished.

I did one final sweep around the festival to see if anything interested me before we went home, I was getting bored. I walked around for a while not really seeing anything interesting, my mom called me over, she was at the truck, I found myself looking at a tent for a business that installs windows. I walked over to the truck to see what she wanted. There was a little black puppy on a little red leash. The dog was biting at the leash and rolling around on the ground, I didn’t want to disturb it so I left it alone.

“What is that?” I asked my mom.

“It’s your brothers dog” She explained.

We packed up and left, we walked home through the park with a sleeping puppy in a bag. We decided her name would be Annie, I wanted a dog too and I was jealous that I didn’t get a dog. I still wish I had a dog to call my own but I still would take love and take care of Annie. But something still bothered me, the question of why I didn’t take the two liters home in the first trip home.

The author's comments:

I get a dog.

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