The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

January 19, 2016
By lukemac BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
lukemac BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Good hit kid” said my coach as I walked back to the base.

I said “thanks” when I got back to the base.

I knew this game was gonna be very tough, we were going to have to try our hardest, play to the best of our abilities, and be smart to have a chance at winning this game.  So I was on 1st base and I got the steal sign from my 3rd base coach. I went when the ball crossed the plate, I slid in and “safe” said the umpire. The next player up to bat grounded out so the score was 0-0 at the end of the 3rd inning.

It was the top of the fourth inning and we were in the field: I was playing shortstop. The ball was pitched and it was hit on the ground right to me and I got it and threw the kid out at first base. There was 1 out now and there best hitter was up to bat, so the out field backed up. The ball was pitched and he nailed it on a line straight to our center fielder. We were all looking at the ball and… he made the catch. There were 2 outs and our pitcher struck him out on a nasty curveball. So now it was the bottom of the fourth inning I was up to bat first, the pitcher threw heat. So I was up and I like to swing at first pitches so of course I swung and the first pitch right down the middle and whacked a double into the right center gap. I got to second base standing up and tired from running as fast as I could form home to second. Both of my teammates after that got out so it was still 0-0 at the end of the 4th inning.

It was now the top of the 6th inning and everybody watching and playing was on there toes watching the last inning of this game. The first batter walked up to the plate and grounded out to our 2nd basemen, everybody on our team became a lot less worried and stressful about getting through this inning. Now the second batter came up to the plate and hit a double into the left center gap.

The next pitch the kid stole 3rd and the umpire said... “safe.”

Everyone on there side was cheering and very excited.

Now the next pitch was thrown and it was a passed ball, the kid ran for home; slid into the base and “out” said the umpire.

Everyone went nuts on our side and so did our teammates. The kid that was up to bat flew out to end there at bat. Now we were up to bat everyone was on there toes we knew this was a huge upset of we pulled out a win against this very talented team. So the pitch was thrown and our kid popped one in the air and got out. So now our best hitter was up and if anybody on this team was gonna win it for us it was him.

So the pitch was thrown and he took, “ball” said the umpire.

The next pitch was thrown- BAM,  as soon as he hit the ball we all knew it was gone, as it went over the fence we all went crazy and so did the crowd we all ran out to home plate to meet him there. He came jogging in home with the biggest smile on his face. We had won the game and upsetted one of the best teams in our district.

In conclusion, I learned that if you try your best and don't ever give up you will most likely succeed. In this game we all thought we were going to lose but we fought the whole game and didn't give up and the result shows what you can so when you do your best and be the best you can possibly be.

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