My First Day of High School | Teen Ink

My First Day of High School

January 19, 2016
By rickjames BRONZE, Auburn, New York
rickjames BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The moment I opened my eyes at seven am that fine morning I thought was going to be the best thing to ever happen to me.  Arriving to school super early that morning I sat in homeroom sweating with nerves, thinking about where all my classes were, and how embarrassing it would be to ask for help. The morning announcement bell rang, and the nerves really hit me hard. I was so nervous but so happy that a new chapter of my life was about to begin.

I walked out of homeroom and sprinted to biology with my best friend Jake, who was also in my biology. As soon as I found my class I felt a sigh of relief. I sat down and was the earliest i've been to class the whole year, and when the bell rang my teacher came out of her little break room and was the kindest women i've ever met, Mrs. Austin. Mrs. Austin welcomed all of her students and was so sweet.  Throughout class I felt so relieved and calmed after the nerves of the early morning, after forty minutes flew by I went to my next class and the next after that.

Then came fifth mod, the turning point in my perfect first day.  Fifth period was my global class and my best friend Jake was also in my class and he sat next to me. My teacher, Mrs. Becker which turned out to be my favorite teacher in ninth grade. As normal the bell rang and I was early and my teacher took attendance…  As my teacher took attendance i heard a lot of weird names but one stood out and my friend Jake let out a big laugh and the girl whose name was called stood over my desk and threatened my life, I was scared out of my own skin. We’ll she stood over me, screaming at me and telling to not make fun of her, I saw my teacher, Mrs. Becker ready to take action. I said I was sorry about a million times and took the blame for my best friend because that's what you do for best friends. So after she settled down class continued, and the rest of the year i learned to be really nice to her but also keep my distance. After class my teacher spoke to me saying I handled it the right way and that she was very proud of me.

It can be concluded that my first day at school was pretty crazy and life changing. From my first day of high school experience I learned to always treat people with respect and to never make fun of somebody no matter what. I also learned that people came in all different shapes, sizes, and colors to treat each one the same as the other. Another thing I learned was to never mess with that girl again, she was shortly expelled after that for misbehavior and not respecting school rules.

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