Crash | Teen Ink


January 19, 2016
By Mikayla_Lang BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Mikayla_Lang BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Next thing you know I’m seeing two cars colliding and hearing the screeching tires, and the bang of the colliding of the cars. We were driving when we saw the car accident happen, here’s an idea don’t run a red light.

It was a hot and sunny summer day, and we were on are way to the mall. We were driving down Veteran Memorial Parkway. Up ahead was a traffic light, so we started to slow down. That’s when it happened. A teen boy was in a red car going  straight and there was an older couple coming from Wright Ave in a silver car. The older couple had the green light but then a teen boy went anyways. That’s when the collision occurred. The silver car smashed head on into the red car, and they both spun. Everyone else including us had to slam on our brakes.

Next, my dad jumped out of the truck and went to make sure the people were okay wells we called 911. The teen got out of the car though and was yelling at the elder couple that he had the green light. My dad told him to stay in his car or sit on the ground because he could be hurt. He checked on the elder couple and told them to stay as still as possible and stay in their car. My dad turned off the car's gas line so the car didn’t go boom and blow up.

Then, we heard the sirens of the fire department go off. The ambulance and fire department came with their loud sirens and bright red white and blue lights were flashing. They put all three of the people in the accident in neck braces. My dad was helping the EMT’s with those that were in the accident since at the time he was a\ EMT.

Wells we stayed at the accident and my dad was helping, the rest of the traffic was being directed by an officer. The teen boy's parents got there shortly after the ambulance and the fire department got there. Although, the parents were mad about the car accident they were also worried about their son. The elderly couple had a few cuts and bruises that were visible and went to the hospital first. The ambulance sped away with their loud sirens on and their bright flashing lights. Although the teenager looked like he was okay a third ambulance took him to the hospital. The ambulance sped off again but this time with the teenage boy with their loud sirens and bright red white and blue flashing lights.

Both the elder couples silver car and the teenager’s red car got towed away on tow trucks. The cars were pretty well banged up. The mom of the teen boy went in the ambulance went with the boy and the dad got the information for the car and then drove to the hospital. After the people in the accident were taken to the hospital my dad finished up what he was doing and we went on with our day. We had talked about the accident all day because we were so shocked about seeing the accident happen.

That day definitely taught me a lesson. I never really thought about how bad it could be before, I saw the accident that was caused over one little light. I learned that day not to run a red light let alone break any law’s wells driving. Not following the simplest laws of driving could cost a life. The elder couple and teenage boy the day of the accident were lucky the accident wasn't any worse. They are lucky that they survived.

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