Letter to a Freshman Girl | Teen Ink

Letter to a Freshman Girl

January 15, 2016
By mal1234 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
mal1234 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the night before your first day of highschool and you're probably stressing out about what to wear, or how you're going to do your makeup and hair. Trust me, it’s just an outfit and you will look great any way. Just be yourself. Walking into the school for the first time and you may get lost or can’t find your locker. You won’t want to ask for help because it would be embarrassing or you are too nervous. Ask for help, I promise it will be better than roaming around not knowing what to do. Just be yourself. As your first day is going by and all your teachers are reciting the same things in every class, and you're probably getting bored. Make sure you listen, those teachers may become someone with great advice or someone to talk to. As time goes on, you’ll start to find your place. I hope you do what your heart tells you, and not let anyone tell you what you should do. You will find tremendous, amazing friends. Friends who are there for you and friends who will stick with you all of highschool. You will also have friends who you think are the best, but turns out there are not. Some friends will hurt you and use you. Leave them even if you think they could get better. Leave them if they are keeping you from being yourself. You are better than that, and you don’t want to get dragged down the wrong path. You will also meet boys who could become your best friend, or the one you think you love. Trust me, in the beginning you may crave attention from these “perfect” boys. All your focus may be on this one person. Make sure you don’t lose your close friends because of a boy. Boys will break your heart, but I promise, you are better than some guy. You will also find out that school is not easy. You will love certain classes and you will hate some. Some days, you may just want to sit at home and never go back. Those days get better. School is tough but you can do it. If you need a break, take one and just relax, don’t stress. Sometimes those days are the best days and you can go back better than ever. Just make it count. Make these four years count, and always try to think positive. The biggest tip is to just be yourself. You got this. 

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