Florida Vacation | Teen Ink

Florida Vacation

January 11, 2016
By Brandonw BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Brandonw BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hi mom.” I spoke, as I scuffled through the crowded doorway.

“Hey Brandon, how was your day?”
“Good!” I replied. Do you know when dad will be home?” He should be here around this time.”
“Oh ok.” I said. I went to my bedroom and took a nap.
Two hours later I heard,  “Brandon, Brandon wake up, we are having a family discussion in the living room.” I glanced over, I saw my dad by the right side of my bed. I groaned.
“Ok i’ll be out in a minute.” As I walked out into the living room I saw my sister Jennah, Mom and Dad.
“What are we talking about?” I asked. Mom and Dad grinned.
“Brandon, Jennah… we’re going to Florida in May with your Uncle Doyle, Aunt Doris, and Aunt Doris’s family, and you guys get to choose whether we go to either Disney World, Seaworld or Universal Studios. We can only go to two of these places though.” Jennah and I immediately knew where we wanted to go. We chose Seaworld and Universal studio’s. My sister and I were both excited and bummed for the same reason. We were happy because of the obvious, we’re going on vacation, but we were also a little bummed out because May was a long ways away. We eventually got over it and waited for the days to pass.


Finally it was May, 22nd- the day we were going to leave. It was about 5:00 in the morning and I heard my dad wake my sister up because we had to go to the airport. I could hear him walking through the hall to my room so I pretended I was asleep. When he woke me up he had a huge grin on his face. When I was fully awake my sister and I both raced to the car and fell back asleep, not knowing how long we were going to have to wait for my parents. Not knowing how long I was asleep, I woke up in the cooled car.

“Dad how long until we get to the airport?” I asked in a sleepy tone.
“About half way bud,” he said.

About an hour later we finally made it to the airport, we rushed into the airport being a tad late, and got our tickets. We sat and waited in the waiting room for about 20 minutes and boarded the airplane. I was a little nervous at first because I’d never been on an airplane before. I sat next to my dad and my sister sat next to my mom. My dad said to chew gum and that it’ll help for when we lifted off. I took his advice not knowing what it would do and we lifted off!

I didn’t really do much on the ride but sleep and play cards with my dad. About 2-3 hours later we finally arrived in Orlando, Florida. We soon got off the plane and got all of our stuff by the entrance of the airport and then got ourselves a rental car from across the street and drove for about 15 minutes to our suite.

Once we got there we said hello to my dad’s family. We all settled and unpacked while we all started talking after a while, it was 11:00 PM and everyone went to bed.

Day 1. It was a bright, refreshing morning, I woke up around 9:00 in the morning and we went to eat breakfast. Once I was done with my bowl of cereal I went outside and enjoyed  the weather and went on a walk. Eventually, I met up with my family and we all went to 1 of 4 water parks and swam for the remainder of the day. The pools at the suite we were at were awesome! The one we were at had a lazy river, a hot tub, and I think a spa.  Around 6:00 we went back to the suite and all had barbeque: hot dogs and chicken for dinner, with some vegetables. After an ongoing chat session, everyone eventually went to sleep.

Day 2. It was day two and I woke up that morning to a big rumble! It was down pouring with some thunder and lightning! As I walk to the cold, glass slider door, I examine the skies to see how many clouds there were surrounding our location. My parents woke up and told me to come eat breakfast. I had an omelet with toast and juice. Later that day, the family went to the second pool and swam until 9:00 we then went out for dinner to a hearty seafood restaurant not far from our suite. I got a crab leg and shrimp with broccoli. After that filling meal we headed back to the hotel and hung out for a bit. Some of the things we did were play cards, watch TV, and just socialize in general. Everyone soon went to bed while I went on my phone playing games and watching Youtube videos but soon I went to bed waiting for the next day to come.

Day 3. It was the big day today, the day we would go to Sea World! My mom, dad, sister, Uncle Doyle, Aunt Doris and I all packed up and left for Sea World. the drive was quite short almost 10 minutes. We soon entered the gates and paid for our tickets. we entered the gates and had a look around the park, from what the pictures online showed I thought it would be smaller which isn’t a bad thing. everyone split up into groups. My sister went with my mom and my uncle doyle and aunt doris went together and I went with my dad. The first thing we did was ride some roller coasters, then we did some mini games. It is now 12:00 my dad decided to regroup. We all met up for lunch and chilled out for a bit. eventually everyone stayed in one big group. We all went to back to back shamu shows, I thought the first one was the best. After the shows we went on more rides. the day was narrowing down and we had one last ride to go on which was the Kraken. I thought the ride was awesome in fact since my sister and I were the only ones left on the ride we got to ride the Kraken again 3 times! We then had to leave because the park was closing. The family got back together and we all left Seaworld. After we left we went to a restaurant for dinner and called it good for tonight.

Day 4. Today was another chill day, a day of swimming and chilling out. When everyone woke up that day, which was around noon we all watched the suite TV and went on our electronics until 4:00 after most of us were done being lazy, we went outside. Something everyone didn’t know about our suite was that we had a mini golf course. My dad went to the main office and ordered four golf clubs. My Dad, uncle Doyle, Jennah and I all went mini golfing. We all had a great time. My dad ended up winning, then I came in 2nd place, My uncle Doyle came in 3rd place and my sister came in last place. After that we went out to get ice cream and walked around the resort. when we were done with our walk We ended up going swimming for the remainder of the evening.


Day 5 I sit in my bed asleep, not knowing what’s going on while everyone else is up, getting ready to go to Universal Studio's. My sister wakes me with excitement. “brandon get up before I dump water on you!” I get up half asleep and go to the bathroom to take a shower. While I do so, I get rushed by my family to go faster. I soon get out, get dressed, brush my teeth and get in the rental car. We soon get to Universal studio’s and we head straight for the gate and get our tickets. Once we were inside we all stuck together and went on all the rides. we were there most of the day and all had a blast! We saw a bunch of characters from the mickey mouse cartoons and i kinda avoided them only because I was a little shy. We had lunch at one point and all chilled out. By the end of the day we were all tired and left the park. by the time we got back to the suite the family all settled in. My mom bought us some cheeseburgers from a restaurant and we all ate dinner together soon we all went to bed and all got up early.

Day 6. It was a bright, sunny morning. It was roughly 11:30 AM, everyone was wide awake. My mom ordered my sister to pack up all of our things as my dad did also. My family drove to the airport before my dad’s family because our flight came first. We reach the airport in a hurry because we were late by a few minutes. My dad put all of our packs and luggages into the bag machine and retrieved our tickets. We soon got on the plane and made our way back home.

This vacation was an important experience to me because it was my last vacation with my Dad.

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