Hunting With My Dad | Teen Ink

Hunting With My Dad

January 7, 2016
By ZachWilson BRONZE, Kings Mills, Ohio
ZachWilson BRONZE, Kings Mills, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Leaving in an hour.  Take a shower.  Stay away from the dogs.  No more smells for the deer.  Put on warm clothes.  Pack up my hunting gear.  Get in the car.  Drive to our hunting spot.  Get out of the car.  A man comes up to us.  We talk.  Get dressed as we talk.  Spray on scent control.  Walk to our tree stands.  Put out deer attractant.  The bottle says Doe Urine.  I climb up into my treestand and my dad goes to his.  Wait.  And wait some more.  Something crunches the leaves.  Just a squirrel.  Wait.  Text my dad.  Wait.  Hear the crunch of leaves again.  It’s louder this time.  It’s a deer.  It’s in range.  Stand up.  Get my bow.  Draw my bow.  S***!  Wrong arrowhead.  Sit down.  Change arrows.  Start to stand up.  He sees me.  Freeze!  Draw back again.  It sees me again.  It starts to run away.  It runs towards my dad.  Text my dad.  The big one’s coming your way.  Waiting.  I get a text.  It’s from my dad.  It says that he just shot a deer.  Another text.  This one says to run over there as fast as I can.  I go down my stand like it’s a fire pole.  Run into some thorn bushes.  Keep going right through them.  Get lost.  Where am I?  Call my dad.  I hear him talking.  Run towards his voice.  Wait so I can catch my breath.  Find the blood trail.  Follow the blood trail.  Follow the trail for about a half mile.  Its trail goes into someone’s back yard.  We see the white belly of the deer.  Ask if we can get the deer.  We can.  The man offers to let us drive our car to his house.  We drive there.  He asks if his son can see, he just got back from college.  He comes out.  He takes a picture.  They offer to help us put the deer in the car.  Need at least two more people.  Going to take at least an hour to get the deer in the car.  Drive home.  Put it in the yard.  Hope no one sees it in our yard.  They don’t like hunting.  It’s there in the morning.  No one saw it.  Clean it ourselves.  The meat fills our biggest freezer.

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